
Cadūsiī, ōrum m.
кадузии, воинственное скифское племя в районе нын. Иранского Азербайджана (к югу от Аракса) Nep, Just

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Cadusii" в других словарях:

  • CADUSII — populi circa Caspium marc. Stepb. De his quaeri possit non immerito, an Israelitarum sint reliquiae? Quae Fulleri est sententia, qui Cadusios dici vult, quasi Gap desc: Hebrew Kedosim Sanctos, ratione vocationis. Sed fallaci etymo non est… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Cadusii — The Cadusiirf|1|stra 11 pol 5.44 ptol 6.2.5 step arr 3.19 mela 1.2.48 plin 6.13 15 (in Greek Kαδoύσιοι) were an ancient people living in north western Iran.GeographyThe Cadusii lived in a mountainous district of Media Atropatene on the south west …   Wikipedia

  • Cadusii — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (Literatur, Webseiten oder Einzelnachweisen) versehen. Die fraglichen Angaben werden daher möglicherweise demnächst gelöscht. Hilf Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben recherchierst und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • КАДУСИЙЦЫ —    • Cadusii,          Καδούσιοι, воинственный народ на западной стороне Каспийского моря, к югу от Аракса, в мидийской провинции Атропатен, который жил в постоянной вражде со своими соседями. Strab. 12, 507, 514. Arr. 3, 8, 5. 11, 3. 19, 3. 7 …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Medes — Mede redirects here. For the town in Italy, see Mede, Lombardy. Median Empire or Median Confederation Mādai ← …   Wikipedia

  • Darius III of Persia — Infobox Emperor name = Darius III title = caption = detail of Darius III from Alexander Mosaic reign = coronation = predecessor = successor = heir = consort = issue = royal house = Achaemenid Dynasty royal anthem = father = mother = date of birth …   Wikipedia

  • Datames — Silver coin of Datames. Obv:The God Baaltars on a throne, seated left, torsos facing, holding grapes, grain ear, and eagle in right hand, scepter in left hand, surrounded by the city walls. Rev:The God Ana, naked, and Datames, face to face.… …   Wikipedia

  • Camissares — (died 385 BC) was a Carian, father of Datames, who was high in favour with the Persian Great King Artaxerxes II (404 ndash;358 BC), by whom he was made satrap of a part of Cilicia bordering on Cappadocia. He fell in the war of Artaxerxes against… …   Wikipedia

  • Cyrus the Great in the Qur'an — Dhul Qarnayn (Arabic for the two horned ) is mentioned in the Qur an. The story of Dhul Qarnayn appears in sixteen verses of the Qur an, specifically the 16 verses (Al Kahf). There is extensive ongoing debate on who exactly was the historical… …   Wikipedia

  • Matiene — was the name of a kingdom in northwestern Iran[1][2] which overran the kingdom of the Mannae. The Mannaeans were non Indo European, probably speaking either an Hurro Urartian language like the Nairi or a Northeast Caucasian language like the… …   Wikipedia

  • Sefid River — This article is about the river in Iran, for the river in northern Afghanistan see Safid River. Geobox River name = Sefid River native name = سفيدرود other name = Sepid Rud other name1 = White River other name2 = Rud e Safid image size = image… …   Wikipedia

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