- pondus
- pondus pondus, eris n тяжесть
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Pondus — is a comic strip created by the Norwegian cartoonist Frode Øverli. Since its start in 1995, it has become one of the most successful comic strips in Scandinavia. It has been translated to several languages, including Danish, English, German,… … Wikipedia
PONDUS — quod grave est, ita dictum, quia in statera libratum pendet; hinc et pensum. magni in omnibus rebus momenti est. Unde in Pondere, numero ac mensura Deum omnia fecisse, Sapiens ait: c. 11. v. 21. et Statice, Graece Στατικὴ, quae alias Ι᾿ςοῤῥοπικὴ… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Pondus — (lat.), Gewicht … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
pondus — index importance, influence, pressure, stress (strain), validity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pondus — noun An old English measure of weight, usually of wool, perhaps equal to 3 cloves. The pondus of wool at Alton Barnes and Stert is three cloves or 21 pounds … Wiktionary
pondus — pon|dus sb., sen (vægt, værdighed); have pondus … Dansk ordbog
Pondus (disambiguation) — Pondus can refer to:* Pondus, a comic strip * The Pondus Penguin … Wikipedia
Pondus Hydrogenii — pH Skala (rot = saurer Bereich, blau = basischer Bereich) Der pH Wert ist ein Maß für die Stärke der sauren bzw. basischen Wirkung einer wässrigen Lösung. Als logarithmische Größe ist er durch den mit −1 multiplizierten dekadischen Logarithmus ( … Deutsch Wikipedia
pondus — s ( en) … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
pondus — /pondas/ In old English law, poundage; i.e., a duty paid to the crown according to the weight of merchandise … Black's law dictionary
pondus — Same as poundage … Ballentine's law dictionary