
polliceor polliceor, itus sum, eri обещать

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "polliceor" в других словарях:

  • Latin conjugation — Conjugation is the creation of derived forms of a verb from its basic forms or principal parts. It may be affected by person, number, gender, tense, mood, voice or other language specific factors. When, for example, we use a verb to function as… …   Wikipedia

  • Sponsio Academica — The Sponsio Academica is the oath taken by all students matriculating into the four ancient Scottish universities. Traditionally the oath in Latin was given orally but it is now appended to the matriculation form signed by each student. Each… …   Wikipedia

  • Akkumulation — Ballungsraum; Kulmination; Ballung; Aggregation; Konglomerat; Anhäufung; Häufung; Ansammlung * * * Ak|ku|mu|la|ti|on 〈f. 20〉 1. Anhäufung, Ansammlung 2. 〈Geol.〉 Aufschüttung von vulkanischen Lockermassen zu Vulkankegeln od …   Universal-Lexikon

  • DOS — illud proprie, quod matitus cum uxore accipit. Doarium vero Dotarium, Dotalitium, etc. quod, in remunerationem dotis, reportat uxor. Prius Graeci φερνην` et προῖκα, posterius ἀντιφέρναν et ἕδνον item ὐπόβολον nuncupant, quod romani, uxoribus… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • ԽՈՍՏԱՆԱՄ — (ացայ.) NBH 1 0967 Chronological Sequence: Early classical, 10c, 11c ն. ὐπισχνέομαι promitto, polliceor ἑπαγγέλλω, ομαι promitto եւ denuncio եւ ὀμολογέω confiteor. Խոստ կամ խոստումն կամ խօսքտալ. յանձն առնուլ կատարել եւ առնել ինչ մի. ուխտել. յոյս… …   հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)

  • asseurer — Asseurer, actiu. acut. Est prins des Latins, et composé ores de Ad, et seur, qui est fait de Securus, (par syncope et apocope) et signifie rendre seur, et stable ce qui crolle, ainsi on dit asseurer une muraille, un plancher, une poutre qui s en… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

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