- phaselus
- phaselus phaselus, i m, f фасоль
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
PHASELUS — I. PHASELUS Hierosolymae praefectus ab Antipatro Herodis filio, An. Urb. Cond. 710. Iosephus. Item Antipatri ex Cypride fil. Herodis Iudaeae regis nepos. II. PHASELUS nomen turris 90. cubitos altae, in edito muri antiqui loco, superne in pilae… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Catalanismo (préstamo) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un catalanismo es una palabra originada de algún vocablo del idioma catalán y que ha pasado otra lengua, como la española. Catalanismos en idioma español De acuerdo a la tradición normativista, cuando la palabra está … Wikipedia Español
Schiffe der Antike — Römische Schiffe (Mosaik aus Rimini) Schiffe der Antike dienten wie zu allen Zeiten dem Transport von Wirtschaftsgütern, der Beförderung von Personen und dem Austausch von Ideen und Wissen. Schon frühzeitig war die Seefahrt auch ein Mittel der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
PHARUS — I. PHARUS fluv. Ciliciae. Suid. II. PHARUS nomen est editarum turrium, ad maris littora vel fluminum ripas, exstructarum, ut, ardente in sublimi face, qua iter dirigant, dispicere possint. Sic Pharus apud Stat. l. 3. Sylv. 5. v. 101. Teleboumque… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Phasel — Pha sel, n. [L. phaselus, phaseolus, Gr. ?, ?: cf. F. phas[ e]ole, fas[ e]ole. Cf. {Fesels}.] The French bean, or kidney bean. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
frijole — also frijol noun (plural frijoles) Etymology: American Spanish frijol, from Spanish, kidney bean, from earlier fesol, fresol, probably modification of Galician feijoo, from Latin phaseolus, diminutive of phaselus cowpea, from Greek phasēlos Date … New Collegiate Dictionary
Catulli Carmina — ( Ludi Scaenici ) is a cantata by Carl Orff dating from 1930 1933. The works sets the texts of Catullus, the Roman poet of the 1st century BC. Orff himself provided the text, in Latin, of the opening.cite journal |… … Wikipedia
Galley — For other uses, see Galley (disambiguation). A model of a Maltese design typical of the 16th century, the last great era of the wargalley A galley is a type of ship propelled by rowers that originated in the Mediterranean region and was used for… … Wikipedia
List of Selenopidae species — This page lists all described species of the spider family Selenopidae as of Oct. 12, 2007.Anyphops Anyphops Benoit, 1968 * Anyphops alticola (Lawrence, 1940) South Africa * Anyphops amatolae (Lawrence, 1940) South Africa * Anyphops atomarius… … Wikipedia
List of Dictynidae species — This page lists all described species of the spider family Dictynidae as of June 13, 2008.Aebutina Aebutina Simon, 1892 * Aebutina binotata Simon, 1892 Ecuador, BrazilAjmonia Ajmonia Caporiacco, 1934 * Ajmonia aurita Song Lu, 1985 China * Ajmonia … Wikipedia
фасо́ль — и, ж. 1. Травянистое огородное и полевое растение сем. бобовых. [Агафья Карповна] сеяла морковь и свеклу, и непременно фасоль, которая цвела яркими огненными цветами. Кочетов, Журбины. 2. собир. Семена этого растения, употребляемые в пищу. Мама… … Малый академический словарь