
pervius pervius, a, um проходимый

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "pervius" в других словарях:

  • pervious — SYN: permeable. [L. pervius, fr. per, through, + via, a way] * * * per·vi·ous (purґve əs) [L. pervius] permeable …   Medical dictionary

  • impervious — adjective Etymology: Latin impervius, from in + pervius pervious Date: 1640 1. a. not allowing entrance or passage ; impenetrable < a coat impervious to rain > b. not capable of being damaged or harmed < a carpet impervious to rough treatment > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pervious — adjective Etymology: Latin pervius, from per through + via way more at per , way Date: circa 1614 1. accessible < pervious to reason > 2. permeable < pervious soil > • perviousness noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Russell Peters — Not to be confused with Russell Peterson or Peter Russell. Russell Peters Russell Peters in 2009 Birth name Russell Dominic Peters Born …   Wikipedia

  • pervious — perviousness, n. /perr vee euhs/, adj. 1. admitting of passage or entrance; permeable: pervious soil. 2. open or accessible to reason, feeling, argument, etc. [1605 15; < L pervius passable, equiv. to per PER + vi(a) way, road + us adj. suffix;… …   Universalium

  • penetrable — I adjective able to be pierced, absorbent, accessible, agape, ajar, assailable, attackable, conquerable, dehiscent, foraminated, foraminous, gaping, open, opened, passable, penetrabilis, perforable, perforated, permeable, pervious, pervius,… …   Law dictionary

  • ALATI — Dracones, apud Poetas passim occurrunt. Lucan. l. 9. v. 729. ducitis altum Aera cum pennis Hinc currum Cereris alatis draconibus vehi finxêre: Orpheus in Hymno Cereris, Α῞ρμα δρακοντέιοσιν ὑπόζεύξασα χαλινοῖς, Currui (volucrium) draconum Frena… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • ATHOS — mons Macedoniae, nunc in tractu Iamboli dicto, instar peninsulae in mare Aegaeum excurrens, inter sinus Strymonicum, et Singiticum, cuius umbra in Lemnum insul. inde in ortum 87. mill. pass. distantem usque pertingit. Plin. 1. 4. c. 10. et 12.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • CASTULO — urbs olim Episcopalis, nunc pagus Hispaniae Tarraconens. Appiano, Καςτόλων, Strahoni corrupte Κλάςτων, et Καςτάων, et Καίτουλον. Artemidoro, Polybio et Stephano Καςτάλων. Eius meminit Silius, l. 3. v. 30. Castulo Phoebei servat cognomina vatis.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • NILUS — I. NILUS Aegypti Episcopus exustus, sub Diocletiano. Vide Lactantium, l. 5. c. 11: II. NILUS Africae fluv. celeberrimus, ut Asiae Ganges, et Indus, atque Europae Danubius. Plurima eius ab antiquis perhibentur, et celebrantur nomina. Nam et… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • PERGUS — lacus Siciliae apud Ennam urb. ubi a Plutone raptam esse Proserpinam fabulantur. claudian. l. 3. de Raptu, v. 112. Haud procul inde lacus (Pergum dixêre Sicani) Panditur; et nemorum frondosô margine cinctus Vicinis pallescit aquis. Admittit in… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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