- perfugium
- perfugium perfugium, i n убежище
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
perfugium — index refuge Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Laborum omnium et solicitudinum perfugium est somnus. — См. Морфей … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
debet sua cuique domus esse perfugium tutissimum — /debat syuwa kyuwaykwiy dowmas esiy parfyuwjiyam tyuwtisamam/ Every man s house should be a perfectly safe refuge … Black's law dictionary
debet sua cuique domus esse perfugium tutissimum — /debat syuwa kyuwaykwiy dowmas esiy parfyuwjiyam tyuwtisamam/ Every man s house should be a perfectly safe refuge … Black's law dictionary
Debet sua cuique domus esse perfugium tutissimum — Each man s home should be a very safe refuge. The law has a tender regard for the asylum of a private dwelling. Clason v Shotwell (NY) 12 Johns 31, 54 … Ballentine's law dictionary
refuge — I noun ark, asylum, citadel, covert, coverture, harbor, haven, hiding place, lee, perfugium, place of protection, place of safety, protection, receptaculum, refugium, resort, retreat, safe place, safety, sanctuary, security, shelter, stronghold… … Law dictionary
Beverley Grammar School — Infobox UK school name = Beverley Grammar School motto = Adolescentiam alunt senectutem oblectant phone = +44(0)1482 881531 fax = +44(0)1482 881564 established = 700 AD type = Secondary school head = Mr. C. Goodwin street = Queensgate city =… … Wikipedia
Domus — (Roman House) Ancient Roman structure A Roman Domus was limited in size because of the confines of the city walls. In the older parts of the city the rich could not build out, so they built up. Social structure Social classes Patrician,… … Wikipedia
Master (Doctor Who audio) — Bigfinishbox title=Master series=Doctor Who number=49 featuring=Seventh Doctor Master writer=Joseph Lidster director=Gary Russell producer=Gary Russell Jason Haigh Ellery executive producer=Jacqueline Rayner production code=7Y set between= and… … Wikipedia
Nemastomatidae — Nemastoma bimaculatum from Belgium Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Ссылка — I (в древнем Риме relegatio, deportatio, в Англии и Франции transportation, в Германии Deportation, в Италии deportazione, в Испании relegacion, confinamiento) принудительное удаление государственной властью своих или чужих граждан (например,… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона