- percutio
- percutio percutio, cussi, cussum, ere пронзить, пробивать
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Titus Books (publisher) — Titus Books is an independent publisher based in Auckland, New Zealand. Founded in 2005, it was noted by reviewer Catherine Liddy in Landfall as an exciting addition to New Zealand literature. (Landfall, 211: May, 2006)It publishes a mixture of… … Wikipedia
Óengus I — For the 9th century king of Picts, see Óengus II. Óengus mac Fergusa King of the Picts The figure of the Old Testament King David shown killing a lion on the St … Wikipedia
Óengus I of the Picts — Infobox Monarch name =Óengus son of Fergus title =King of the Picts caption =The figure of the Old Testament King David shown killing a lion on the St Andrews Sarcophagus is thought to represent King Óengus. The figure is dressed as a Roman… … Wikipedia
William Direen — Bill Direen is a New Zealand writer and musician. After graduating from the University of Auckland, Bill pursued a career in the music industry. He released his first album Pe a doh Fil e in late 1981 but received little acclaim from the general… … Wikipedia
Maya PLE — Maya Entwickler: Alias (Autodesk) Aktuelle Version: 2009 (10.0) (August 2008) Betriebssystem: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X … Deutsch Wikipedia
Talorg mac Congus — Talorc ou Talorgan mac Congus mort en 734 rois des Scots du Kintyre. Sommaire 1 Origine 2 Règne 3 Notes et références 4 Sources … Wikipédia en Français
percussion — (pèr ku sion) s. f. 1° Coup par lequel un corps en frappe un autre. • Cette percussion du marteau purifie la fonte en faisant sortir au dehors les matières étrangères dont elle était encore mêlée, BUFF. Min. t. IV, p. 155. • Descartes s est … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
PSALMUS — a Cantico qui differat, exonit Augustin. in Psalm. 67. Inter Psalmum et canticum hoc interest, quod Canticum ore profertur, Psalmus autem visibili organô adhibitô, i. e. Psalteriô, canitur. Quod eonfirmat Gregorius Nyssenus Tract. 2. in Psalm. c … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
TYMPANUM — I. TYMPANUM a τύπτω, i. e. percutio, quale fuerit, antiqua numismata indicant, in quorum aversa parte Cybele Mater Deûm Tympanum in sinu gerit, vel eidem innititur. Ex im ie descripsit Plinius de margaritis agens, l. 9. c. 35. Quibus una tantum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
РЕПЕРКУССИЯ — [см. ре от лат. percutio поражать, разить] возникновение патологических изменений (напр., вегететивных), сходных с изменениями в пораженном очаге, в другой части тела, не имеющей непосредственной связи с этим очагом; явление Р. связывают с… … Психомоторика: cловарь-справочник
ԱՄԱՄ — (ացի, ա՛.) NBH 1 0051 Chronological Sequence: Early classical, 6c ն. ԱՄԱՄ որ եւ ԱՄԱՆԱԼ. (որպէս թէ յամանն ʼի ներքս կամ յամանոյ ʼի դուրս արկանել.) ἑμβάλλω, πατάσσω injicio, percutio Ընկենուլ. թափել. թօթափել. լնուլ. վոթել, լեցնել ... *Առ զմարախն, եւ … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)