- parturio
- parturio parturio, ivi, -, ire рожать
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Metropolis (Film) — Filmdaten Originaltitel Metropolis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Parturition — Childbirth, the process of delivering the baby and placenta from the uterus to the vagina to the outside world. Also called labor and delivery. Parturition comes from the Latin parturire, to be ready to bear young and is related to partus, the… … Medical dictionary
parturient — Relating to or in the process of childbirth. [L. parturio, to be in labor] * * * par·tu·ri·ent pär t(y)u̇r ē ənt adj 1) bringing forth or about to bring forth young 2) of or relating to parturition <parturient pangs> 3) typical of… … Medical dictionary
parturifacient — 1. Inducing or accelerating labor. 2. An agent that induces or accelerates labor. SYN: oxytocic (2). [L. parturio, to be in labor, + facio, to make] * * * par·tu·ri·fa·cient (pahr″tu re faґshənt) [L. parturire to have the pains of… … Medical dictionary
ԵՐԿՆԵՄ — (եցի.) NBH 1 0697 Chronological Sequence: Unknown date, Early classical, 8c, 10c, 11c, 12c, 14c ն. եւ չ. ὡδίνω parturio, in partu doleo Երկամբք ծնանել, եւ կրել զցաւ ի ծնանելն. տղաբերքի ցաւ քաշել. *Ընդէ՞ր երկնեցեր զիս: Եւ ի սառա, որ երկնեացն զմեզ … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)
parturiente — s. f. 1. A fêmea que está em trabalho de parto ou que acaba de dar à luz. • adj. 2 g. 2. Que está em trabalho de parto ou que acaba de dar à luz. • Sinônimo geral: PUÉRPERA ‣ Etimologia: latim parturiens, entis, particípio presente de parturio … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa