- pactio
- pactio pactio, onis f соглашение
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Pactio — is a system of magic within the fictional work . The word is based on the Latin word pactiō , the action of making a pactum or agreement . Pactio can also be referred as a provisional contract. Characters in pactio involve a magic user who can… … Wikipedia
pactio — index bargain, compact, covenant, pact, treaty Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pactio — pac·tio … English syllables
pactio — /paeksh(iy)ow/ Lat. In the civil law, a bargaining or agreeing of which pactum (the agreement itself) was the result. It is used, however, as the synonym of pactum … Black's law dictionary
pactio — (Civil law.) A pact; a contract; an agreement; a bargain; a treaty; a covenant … Ballentine's law dictionary
pactio — noun see pactum … Useful english dictionary
Mahō Sensei Negima!? Neo-Pactio Fight!! — Mahō Sensei Negima!? Neo Pactio Fight Developer(s) Marvelous Entertainment Publisher(s) … Wikipedia
in commodato haec pactio, ne dolus praestetur, rata non est — /in komadeytow hiyk paeksh(iy)ow, niy dowlas prastiytar, reyta non est/ In the contract of loan, a stipulation not to be liable for fraud is not valid … Black's law dictionary
nuda pactio obligationem non parit — /n(y)uwda paeksh(iy)ow oblageyshiyownam non paerat/ A naked agreement [i.e., without consideration] does not beget an obligation … Black's law dictionary
nuda ratio et nuda pactio non ligant aliquem debitorem — /n(y)iiwda raesh(iy)ow et n(y)uwda paeksh(iy)ow non ligant aelakwam debatoram/ Naked reason and naked promise do not bind any debtor … Black's law dictionary
in commodato haec pactio, ne dolus praestetur, rata non est — /in komadeytow hiyk paeksh(iy)ow, niy dowlas prastiytar, reyta non est/ In the contract of loan, a stipulation not to be liable for fraud is not valid … Black's law dictionary