- burrae
ārum f.глупости, пустяки Aus
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
burla — ► sustantivo femenino 1 Gesto o palabras con que se ridiculiza a una persona o cosa: ■ fue víctima de sus burlas más sardónicas. SINÓNIMO burlería 2 Broma, fingimiento. SINÓNIMO engaño FRASEOLOGÍA ► locución adverbial de burlas … Enciclopedia Universal
Bur — Bur, Burr Burr (b[^u]r), n. [OE. burre burdock; cf. Dan. borre, OSw. borra, burdock, thistle; perh. akin to E. bristle (burr for burz ), or perh. to F. bourre hair, wool, stuff; also, according to Cotgrave, the downe, or hairie coat, wherewith… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bur oak — Bur Bur, Burr Burr (b[^u]r), n. [OE. burre burdock; cf. Dan. borre, OSw. borra, burdock, thistle; perh. akin to E. bristle (burr for burz ), or perh. to F. bourre hair, wool, stuff; also, according to Cotgrave, the downe, or hairie coat,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bur reed — Bur Bur, Burr Burr (b[^u]r), n. [OE. burre burdock; cf. Dan. borre, OSw. borra, burdock, thistle; perh. akin to E. bristle (burr for burz ), or perh. to F. bourre hair, wool, stuff; also, according to Cotgrave, the downe, or hairie coat,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Burlesque — Bur*lesque , a. [F. burlesque, fr. It. burlesco, fr. burla jest, mockery, perh. for burrula, dim. of L. burrae trifles. See {Bur}.] Tending to excite laughter or contempt by extravagant images, or by a contrast between the subject and the manner… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Burr — Bur Bur, Burr Burr (b[^u]r), n. [OE. burre burdock; cf. Dan. borre, OSw. borra, burdock, thistle; perh. akin to E. bristle (burr for burz ), or perh. to F. bourre hair, wool, stuff; also, according to Cotgrave, the downe, or hairie coat,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
burr — Bur Bur, Burr Burr (b[^u]r), n. [OE. burre burdock; cf. Dan. borre, OSw. borra, burdock, thistle; perh. akin to E. bristle (burr for burz ), or perh. to F. bourre hair, wool, stuff; also, according to Cotgrave, the downe, or hairie coat,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Quercus macrocarpa — Bur Bur, Burr Burr (b[^u]r), n. [OE. burre burdock; cf. Dan. borre, OSw. borra, burdock, thistle; perh. akin to E. bristle (burr for burz ), or perh. to F. bourre hair, wool, stuff; also, according to Cotgrave, the downe, or hairie coat,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bourre — 1. (bou r ) s. f. 1° Amas de poils détachés de la peau de certains animaux à poil ras. Terre grasse mêlée avec de la bourre. Matelas remplis de bourre. • Le petit fils de César se vit réduit à manger la bourre de son lit, J. J. ROUSS. Ém. IV … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
BYRRUS vel BURRUS — veterib. Latinis, idem qui Graecis πυῤῥὸς, aliter russus seu rufus, quô nomine Latini appellant id omne, quod vel rubrum est, vel flavum, vel croceum aut luteum, coccineum et purpureum; sicuti Graeci sub nomine πυῤῥὸς plerumque etiam… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
REBURRUS — vox medii aevi, gemini significatus: Valde enim hispidum significat, apud Isidor. ut simus, resimus; quemadmodum hodieque Galli hominem horridum et asperum, tetricumque et visu horrendum, reburrum vocant. Sed et notat eum, qui burrus non est, ut… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale