- obvius
- obvius obvius, a, um удобный
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Rubus obvius — ID 73001 Symbol Key RUOB4 Common Name woodborder dewberry Family Rosaceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity Native to U.S. US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution MD Growth Habit Subshrub Duration … USDA Plant Characteristics
Rubus obvius L.H. Bailey — Symbol RUOB4 Common Name woodborder dewberry Botanical Family Rosaceae … Scientific plant list
obvie — [ ɔbvi ] adj. • 1889; lat. obvius, proprt « qui vient au devant »; cf. angl. obvious ♦ Théol. Sens obvie, qui se présente tout naturellement à l esprit. ⇒ évident. ● obvie adjectif (latin obvius) Se dit en philosophie et en théologie du sens d un … Encyclopédie Universelle
obvio — (Del lat. obvius, que sale al paso.) ► adjetivo 1 Que es muy claro y evidente: ■ es obvio que no se ha enterado de nada. SINÓNIMO manifiesto patente 2 Que está delante de los ojos. * * * obvio, a (del lat. «obvĭus») 1 adj. Se aplica a lo que está … Enciclopedia Universal
Wilhelm Paul Verpoorten — (auch: ver Poorten; * 4. September 1721 in Neustadt an der Haide; † 17. Januar 1794 in Danzig) war ein deutscher Pädagoge und lutherischer Theologe. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Wirken 3 Werke … Deutsch Wikipedia
EUNTIS — veneratio, magnae devotionis indicium. Sic abblan ditur eunti Dominae Sperchios fluv. apud Papin. Stat. Achilleid. l. 1. v. 103. lateque Deae Sperchios abundat Obvius et dulci vestigia cir cuit undâ. Et in Phoenice, Claudian, de coeteris… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Obvious — Ob vi*ous, a. [L. obvius; ob (see {Ob }) + via way. See {Voyage}.] 1. Opposing; fronting. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] To the evil turn My obvious breast. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Exposed; subject; open; liable. [Obs.] Obvious to dispute. Milton. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Obviously — Obvious Ob vi*ous, a. [L. obvius; ob (see {Ob }) + via way. See {Voyage}.] 1. Opposing; fronting. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] To the evil turn My obvious breast. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Exposed; subject; open; liable. [Obs.] Obvious to dispute.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Obvious-ness — Obvious Ob vi*ous, a. [L. obvius; ob (see {Ob }) + via way. See {Voyage}.] 1. Opposing; fronting. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] To the evil turn My obvious breast. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Exposed; subject; open; liable. [Obs.] Obvious to dispute.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obvious — adjective Etymology: Latin obvius, from obviam in the way, from ob in the way of + viam, accusative of via way more at ob , via Date: 1603 1. archaic being in the way or in front 2. easily discovered, seen, or understood Synonyms: see evident •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Ladri di Carrozzelle — ( Wheelchair Thieves as the name is a play on the film Bicycle Thieves) is an Italian Pop rock group that formed due to a summer event in 1989 for the Union for the Fight Against Muscular Dystrophy. [… … Wikipedia