
obnoxiosus obnoxiosus, a, um подвластный

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "obnoxiosus" в других словарях:

  • obnoxious — obnoxiously, adv. obnoxiousness, n. /euhb nok sheuhs/, adj. 1. highly objectionable or offensive; odious: obnoxious behavior. 2. annoying or objectionable due to being a showoff or attracting undue attention to oneself: an obnoxious little brat.… …   Universalium

  • obnoxious — (adj.) 1580s, subject to the authority of another, from L. obnoxiosus hurtful, injurious, from obnoxius subject to harm, from ob to, toward (see OB (Cf. ob )) + noxa injury, hurt, damage entailing liability (see NOXIOUS (Cf. noxious)). Meaning s …   Etymology dictionary

  • obnoxious — [əb nɒkʃəs] adjective extremely unpleasant. Derivatives obnoxiously adverb obnoxiousness noun Origin C16 (in the sense vulnerable (to harm) ): from L. obnoxiosus, from obnoxius exposed to harm , from ob towards + noxa harm …   English new terms dictionary

  • obnoxious — [əb näk′shəs, äbnäk′shəs] adj. [L obnoxiosus < obnoxius, subject or exposed to danger < ob (see OB ) + noxa, harm < base of nocere, to hurt: see NECRO ] 1. a) exposed or liable to injury, evil, or harm b) liable to punishment; censurable …   English World dictionary

  • obnoxious — adj. offensive, objectionable, disliked. Derivatives: obnoxiously adv. obnoxiousness n. Etymology: orig. = vulnerable (to harm), f. L obnoxiosus or obnoxius (as OB , noxa harm: assoc. with NOXIOUS) …   Useful english dictionary

  • ob|nox´ious|ness — ob|nox|ious «uhb NOK shuhs», adjective. 1. very disagreeable; offensive; hateful: »His disgusting manners at the table made him obnoxious to us. Persons obnoxious to the government were frequently imprisoned without any other authority than a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ob|nox´ious|ly — ob|nox|ious «uhb NOK shuhs», adjective. 1. very disagreeable; offensive; hateful: »His disgusting manners at the table made him obnoxious to us. Persons obnoxious to the government were frequently imprisoned without any other authority than a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ob|nox|ious — «uhb NOK shuhs», adjective. 1. very disagreeable; offensive; hateful: »His disgusting manners at the table made him obnoxious to us. Persons obnoxious to the government were frequently imprisoned without any other authority than a royal order… …   Useful english dictionary

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