- nutritius
- nutritius nutritius, a, um питательный
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
nutritius — vgl. nutricius … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Nutritious — Nu*tri tious, a. [L. nutricius, nutritius, from nutrix, icis, a nurse, nutrire to nourish. See {Nurse}, {Nourish}.] Nourishing; promoting growth, or preventing decay; alimental. {Nu*tri tious*ly}, adv. {Nu*tri tious*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Nutritiously — Nutritious Nu*tri tious, a. [L. nutricius, nutritius, from nutrix, icis, a nurse, nutrire to nourish. See {Nurse}, {Nourish}.] Nourishing; promoting growth, or preventing decay; alimental. {Nu*tri tious*ly}, adv. {Nu*tri tious*ness}, n. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Nutritiousness — Nutritious Nu*tri tious, a. [L. nutricius, nutritius, from nutrix, icis, a nurse, nutrire to nourish. See {Nurse}, {Nourish}.] Nourishing; promoting growth, or preventing decay; alimental. {Nu*tri tious*ly}, adv. {Nu*tri tious*ness}, n. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gogo (Mayor of the Palace) — Gogo (died 581) was the mayor of the palace of Austrasia and nutricius (also nutritius , tutor/regent) for the young Childebert II from 576 until his death. Gogo had become a very prominent member of the court of Sigebert I by 565. It was he who… … Wikipedia
Josephus, S. (5) — 5S. Josephus, Sponsus B. M. V. (19. März). Der hl. Joseph, der Gemahl der seligsten Jungfrau Maria und Nährvater (Nutritius) unsers Herrn Jesus Christus, entsproßte in gerader Linie von den alten Patriarchen, und das Königsblut David s, von… … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
nutritious — nutritiously, adv. nutritiousness, n. /nooh trish euhs, nyooh /, adj. providing nourishment, esp. to a high degree; nourishing; healthful: a good, nutritious meal. [1655 65; < L nutritius that suckles, nourishes, var. of nutricius, equiv. to… … Universalium
Manrique Pérez de Lara — Royal charter issued by Manrique under exceptional circumstances in 1156. Note the imperial signum in the bottom centre. Manrique Pérez de Lara (died 1164) was a magnate of the Kingdom of Castile and its regent from 1158 until his death. He was… … Wikipedia
nutritious — nu·tri·tious n(y)u̇ trish əs adj providing nourishment * * * nu·tri·tious (noo trĭґshəs) [L. nutritius] affording nourishment or nutrition … Medical dictionary
ABRECH — Hebr. Gap desc: Hebrew, nomen ut Onkelos ait, et ab, i e. Pater, et rech, h. e. Rex compositum; Pharaonis iussu, ante Iosephum Aegypti Proregem acclamari solebat. Rabbi Iuda conflatum arbitrarur ex parter, et tener; ut Pater dicatur, ratione… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
AMNON — Latin. fidelis, aus verax, vel nutritius, aur paedagogus sive matris silius: primogenitus David es Achinoam uxore. Polluit incestu Thamaram sororem, propterea biennio post, Absolonis iussu, inter mensae sacra, occisus, 2. Sam. c. 13. Ioseph. Hist … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale