- nummarius
- nummarius nummarius, a, um денежный
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
nummarius — index venal Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Nummary — Num ma*ry, a. [L. nummarius, from nummus a coin.] Of or relating to coins or money. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nummary — /num euh ree/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to coins or money. 2. dealing in coins or money. [1650 60; < L nummarius of, belonging to money, equiv. to numm(us) coin + arius ARY] * * * … Universalium
venal — I adjective avaricious, bribable, corrupt, corruptible, dishonorable, extortionate, grasping, greedy, mercenary, nummarius, purchasable, self seeking, venalis II index bad (offensive) … Law dictionary
NUMISMA — a Graeco Νόμισμα, quâ voce utitur Epicharmus; ut et Aristoteles aliique, Latinum non est, annotante Becmannô in Origin. Aliter Numus, nempe a Graeco νόμος, νοῦμος, lex. Γίνεται γὰρ πῶς μέτρον. Πάντα γὰρ μετρεῖ. Fit enim norma omniaque mensurat,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
numismatic — (adj.) 1765, pertaining to historical coins and coinage, from Fr. numismatique (late 16c.), from L. numismat , stem of numisma coin, currency, from Gk. nomisma current coin, money, usage, lit. what has been sanctioned by custom or usage, from… … Etymology dictionary
numário — adj. Relativo a numária ou a medalhas. ‣ Etimologia: latim nummarius, a, um, relativo à moeda, pecuniário; venal … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
nummary — /ˈnʌməri/ (say numuhree) adjective 1. of or relating to coins or money. 2. occupied with coins or money. {Latin nummārius, from nummus coin} …
nummary — ˈnəmərē adjective Etymology: Latin nummarius, from nummus coin, money (from Greek nomimos customary, lawful) + arius ary; akin to Greek nomos custom, usage, law more at nimble : of, relating to, or dealing with money or … Useful english dictionary
num|ma|ry — «NUHM uhr ee», adjective. of or having to do with coins or money; occupied with coins or money. ╂[< Latin nummārius < nummus coin] … Useful english dictionary