- novicius
- novicius novicius, i m новичок
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Novize — Jungspund (umgangssprachlich); Einsteiger; Spund (umgangssprachlich); Greenhorn; Neuling; Grünschnabel (umgangssprachlich); Unerfahrener; Anfänger * * * No|vi|ze 〈[ … Universal-Lexikon
novice — [ nɔvis ] n. et adj. • 1175 adj.; lat. novicius I ♦ N. (XIIIe ) 1 ♦ Personne qui a pris récemment l habit religieux et passe un temps d épreuve (⇒ noviciat) dans un couvent, avant de prononcer des vœux définitifs. Maître, mère des novices.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
novicio — (Del lat. novicius .) ► adjetivo/ sustantivo 1 Se aplica a la persona que se está iniciando en una actividad: ■ esta empresa prefiere contratar novicios para formarles según su normativa. SINÓNIMO principiante ► sustantivo 2 RELIGIÓN Persona que… … Enciclopedia Universal
novice — NOVÍCE, novici, ce, s.m. şi f. 1. Persoană care abia a început să înveţe ceva sau care a început de curând să activeze într un domeniu; începător. ♦ (Adjectival) Care nu are experienţa vieţii. 2. Persoană care a intrat de curând într o mănăstire… … Dicționar Român
Novize — 1No|vi|ze der; n, n <aus gleichbed. mlat. novicius, dies aus lat. novicius »Neuling«> Mann, der in einem Kloster eine Vorbereitungszeit verbringt, bevor er die Gelübde ablegt (kath. Kirche). Novize 2 2No|vi|ze die; , n <aus mlat. novicia … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Очковая кустарниковая танагра — Очковая кустарниковая танагра … Википедия
novice — (n.) mid 14c., probationer in a religious order, from O.Fr. novice beginner (12c.), from M.L. novicius, noun use of L. novicius newly imported, newly arrived, inexperienced (of slaves), from novus new (see NEW (Cf. new)). Meaning inexperienced… … Etymology dictionary
Novice — Nov ice, n. [F., from L. novicius, novitius, new, from novus new. See {New}, and cf. {Novitious}.] 1. One who is new in any business, profession, or calling; one unacquainted or unskilled; one yet in the rudiments; a beginner; a tyro. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Novitious — No*vi tious, a. [L. novitius, novicius.] Newly invented; recent; new. [Obs.] Bp. Pearson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
novice — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Medieval Latin novicius, from Latin, newly imported, from novus more at new Date: 14th century 1. a person admitted to probationary membership in a religious community 2. beginner, tyro … New Collegiate Dictionary
novitiate — noun Etymology: French noviciat, from Medieval Latin noviciatus, from novicius Date: 1600 1. the period or state of being a novice 2. a house where novices are trained 3. novice … New Collegiate Dictionary