- munitus
- munitus munitus, a, um защищённый
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Noturus munitus — Noturus munitus Estado de conservación … Wikipedia Español
Frecklebelly madtom — Conservation status Near Threatened ( … Wikipedia
Col du Chat — Ne doit pas être confondu avec la montée du relais du mont du Chat située plus au sud et culminant à 1 504 m d altitude. Col du Chat Sommet du col … Wikipédia en Français
The Beckwith Company — was a publishing entity in 1920, based in New York City. It is primarily remembered for publishing a second edition, a second translation, into the English language, in the United States, of the notorious plagiarism and antisemitic forgery and… … Wikipedia
munitoria — ► sustantivo femenino MILITAR Estrategia militar para fortificar y defender un lugar. * * * munitoria (del lat. «munītus», fortificado) f. Mil. Arte de guarnecer o *fortificar una plaza. * * * munitoria. (Der. culto del lat. munītus, defendido).… … Enciclopedia Universal
PORTUS — I. PORTUS Hispanice Pvertos, proprie claustra Pyrenaeorum montium, seu fauces, alias Portae. Turpinus, Historiae Carola M. c. 11. Tunc Aigolandus fugiens transmeavit portus Aserros et venit usque Pampilonam. Et c. 21. dum Carolus portus cum 20.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
garnir — Garnir, actif. acut. Dont le present, Je garnis, c est pourvoir de choses necessaires, comme, Il est garni de tout ce qu il luy faut, Rebus omnibus necessariis instructus est. Il est venu garni de ses advocat et procureur, Munitus aduocato et… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Munite — Mu*nite , v. t. [L. munitus, p. p. of munire to wall, fortify.] To fortify; to strengthen. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Latin Psalters — The Latin Psalters are the translations of the Book of Psalms into the Latin language. They are the premier liturgical resource used in the Liturgy of the Hours of the Latin Rites of the Roman Catholic Church. These translations are typically… … Wikipedia
Gausón — was a semi legendary Astur general who fought the Romans in the Astur Cantabrian Wars (29 BC 19 BC). Little is known about Gausón due to the lack of classical sources, but historical codexes, oral tradition and other several sources do mention… … Wikipedia
Madtom — Neosho madtom, Noturus placidus Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia