- multo
- multo multo значительно
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
MULTO seu Muto — apud recentiores, vervex dicitur, Gallis Mouton. Unde Multones seu Mutones, moneta aurea Franciae Regum, in quibus efficti, Agnus Dei, uti vulgo vocant, seu agnus lanatus cum crucicula, quosque inde Denarios vel Florenos ad Agnum, appellabant… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
multo utilius est pauca idonea effundere quam multis inutilibus homines gravari — /maltow yuwtiliyas est poka idowniya afandariy kwaem maltas inyuwtilabas homaniyz graveray/ It is more useful to pour forth a few useful things than to oppress men with many useless things … Black's law dictionary
multo utilius est pauca idonea effundere quam multis inutilibus homines gravari — /maltow yuwtiliyas est poka idowniya afandariy kwaem maltas inyuwtilabas homaniyz graveray/ It is more useful to pour forth a few useful things than to oppress men with many useless things … Black's law dictionary
multo fortiori — With much more force; much more forcibly … Ballentine's law dictionary
Multo utilius est pauca idonea effundere, quam multis inutilibus homines gravari — It is much more useful to bring forth a few worthy things than that men should be burdened with many useless things … Ballentine's law dictionary
multo-scribbling — … Useful english dictionary
Nec multo opus est nec diu. — См. Много ли человеку нужно … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
a multo fortiori — /ey maltow forshiyoray/ By far the stronger reason … Black's law dictionary
dominus rex nullum habere potest parem, multo minus superiorem — /domanas reks nalam habiriy powtast paeram, maltow maynas sapiriyoram/ The king cannot have an equal, much less a superior … Black's law dictionary
multa multo exercitatione facilius quam regulis percipies — /malta maltow egzarsateyshiyowniy fasiliyas kwaem regyalas parsipiyiyz/ You will perceive many things much more easily by practice than by rules … Black's law dictionary
a multo fortiori — /ey maltow forshiyoray/ By far the stronger reason … Black's law dictionary