- mucro
- mucro mucro, onis m острый кончик
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
mucro — s. m. 1. [Anatomia] Extremidade xifoide do esterno. = MÚCRON 2. [Botânica] Ponta que termina certos órgãos vegetais. ‣ Etimologia: latim mucro, onis, ponta … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Mucro — Mu cro, n. [L.] (Bot. & Zo[ o]l.) A minute abrupt point, as of a leaf; any small, sharp point or process, terminating a larger part or organ. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mucro — (lat.), 1) Spitze; 2) (Bot.), die Weich od. Stachelspitze, ein dünner, kurzer, bald weicherer, bald härterer Stachel an der Spitze u. den Lappen von Blättern, auch an Blüthentheilen u. Früchten … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
mucro — [myo͞o′krō] n. pl. mucrones [myo͞o krō′nēz] [ModL < L, sharp point < IE base * meuk , to scratch > Gr amychē, a scratch] Biol. a short, sharp point, tip, or process projecting abruptly from certain parts and organs, as at the end of a… … English World dictionary
mucro — noun (plural mucrones) Etymology: New Latin mucron , mucro, from Latin, point, edge Date: 1646 an abrupt sharp terminal point or tip or process (as of a leaf) • mucronate adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
mucro — n.; pl. mucrones [L. mucro, sharp point] A small pointed projection, or spine like ending on a terminus … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
mucro — /myooh kroh/, n., pl. mucrones /myooh kroh neez/. Bot., Zool. a short point projecting abruptly, as at the end of a leaf. [1640 50; < NL, L mucro sharp point] * * * … Universalium
mucro — A term applied to the pointed extremity of a structure. [L. point, sword] m. cordis obsolete term for apex of heart. m. sterni SYN: xiphoid process. * * * mu·cro myü .krō n … Medical dictionary
mucro — mu•cro [[t]ˈmyu kroʊ[/t]] n. pl. mu•cro•nes [[t]myuˈkroʊ niz[/t]] pln zool. an abruptly projecting point, as at the end of a leaf or feather • Etymology: 1640–50; < NL, L mucrō point mu′cro•nate krə nɪt, ˌneɪt mu′cro•nat ed,adj … From formal English to slang
mucro — n. (pl. mucrones) Bot. & Zool. a sharp pointed part or organ. Derivatives: mucronate adj. Etymology: L mucro onis sharp point … Useful english dictionary
mucro — noun A pointed end, often sharp, abruptly terminating an organ. Examples include: A projection at the tip of a leaf; the posterior tip of a cuttlebone; the distal part of the furcula in Collembola … Wiktionary