- mortalitas
- mortalitas mortalitas, atis f смертность, смерть
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
mortalitas — index mortality Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
mortalità — {{hw}}{{mortalità}}{{/hw}}s. f. (stat.) Rapporto fra il numero dei morti e il numero dei componenti la popolazione in un determinato periodo di tempo … Enciclopedia di italiano
MORTALITÉ — «La vie, c’est la mort», a dit Claude Bernard, et c’est en effet en décrivant comment l’être vivant s’efforce de vivre qu’on comprend le mieux les forces contraires à la vie. Dans le cas de l’être humain, quand un spermatozoïde a fécondé un ovule … Encyclopédie Universelle
Mana (álbum de Nemesea) — Se ha sugerido que este artículo o sección sea fusionado con Mana (álbum) (discusión). Una vez que hayas realizado la fusión de artículos, pide la fusión de historiales aquí. Mana CD … Wikipedia Español
Mortalität — Sterblichkeit; Sterblichkeitsrate; Sterberate * * * Mor|ta|li|tät 〈f. 20; unz.〉 1. Sterblichkeit; Ggs Immortalität 2. = Sterberate; Ggs Natalität [<lat. mortalitas „Sterblichkeit“] * * * Mor|ta|li|tät, die; , en [lat … Universal-Lexikon
mortalitate — MORTALITÁTE s.f. Indice rezultat din raportarea numărului de decese dintr o populaţie, într o anumită perioadă, la totalul populaţiei respective, pe un anumit teritoriu. ♢ Mortalitate infantilă = frecvenţa deceselor în primul an de viaţă la o mie … Dicționar Român
List of songs with Latin lyrics — This is a list of songs having lyrics in Classical Latin.This list contains songs that are performed in Latin by the named performers. Songs that sample other recorded music in Latin do not become eligible only by virtue of that sampling. Songs… … Wikipedia
mortaldad — (del lat. «mortalĭtas, ātis»; ant.) f. Mortandad. * * * mortaldad. (Del lat. mortalĭtas, ātis). f. desus. mortandad … Enciclopedia Universal
Bill of mortality — Mortality Mor*tal i*ty, n. [L. mortalitas: cf. F. mortalit[ e].] 1. The condition or quality of being mortal; subjection to death or to the necessity of dying. [1913 Webster] When I saw her die, I then did think on your mortality. Carew. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Law of mortality — Mortality Mor*tal i*ty, n. [L. mortalitas: cf. F. mortalit[ e].] 1. The condition or quality of being mortal; subjection to death or to the necessity of dying. [1913 Webster] When I saw her die, I then did think on your mortality. Carew. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mortality — Mor*tal i*ty, n. [L. mortalitas: cf. F. mortalit[ e].] 1. The condition or quality of being mortal; subjection to death or to the necessity of dying. [1913 Webster] When I saw her die, I then did think on your mortality. Carew. [1913 Webster] 2.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English