- locuples
- locuples locuples, etis состоятельный
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
locuples — index unimpeachable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
locuples — /lokyapliyz/ In the civil law, able to respond in an action; good for the amount which the plaintiff might recover … Black's law dictionary
locuples — /lokyapliyz/ In the civil law, able to respond in an action; good for the amount which the plaintiff might recover … Black's law dictionary
locuples — (Civil law.) Wealthy; financially responsible; able to respond to a judgment … Ballentine's law dictionary
CIFUNA LOCUPLES WLK. - КИСТЕХВОСТ НАСТОЯЩИЙ — см. Cifuna locuples Wlk. Кистехвост настоящий. Гусеницы многоядны, на полях незначительно повреждают листья клевера, сои и других кормовых и технических культур. Россия: Амурская обл., юг Хабаровского края, Сахалинская обл., Приморский край.… … Насекомые - вредители сельского хозяйства Дальнего Востока
Crataegus coccinioides Ashe var. locuples (Sarg.) Kruschke — Symbol CRDI Synonym Symbol CRCOL Botanical Family Rosaceae … Scientific plant list
Crataegus coccinioides Ashe var. locuples (Sarg.) Kruschke — Symbol CRDI Synonym Symbol CRCOL Botanical Family Rosaceae … Scientific plant list
Crataegus locuples Sarg. — Symbol CRDI Synonym Symbol CRLO2 Botanical Family Rosaceae … Scientific plant list
HONESTI — apud Liv. l. 23. c. 35. Liber voloni sese exaequari sineret. Omnet satis honestos generososque ducerent, quibus arma sua Populus Romanus commisisset. Aliter Honeste geniti, qpud eund l. 26. c. 2. Cn. Fulvium Quiritium Rom. exercitum, honeste… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Satires of Juvenal — [ Frontispiece depicting Juvenal and Persius, from a volume translated by John Dryden in 1711.] The Satires are a collection of satirical poems by the Latin author Juvenal written in the late 1st and early 2nd centuries CE.Juvenal is credited… … Wikipedia
List of Lepidoptera that feed on alders — Alders ( Alnus spp. ) are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera species:MonophagousSpecies which feed exclusively on Alnus : * Bucculatricidae ** Bucculatrix locuples feeds on Tag Alder ( A. serrulata ) * Coleophoridae **… … Wikipedia