- languidus
- languidus languidus, a, um усталый
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
languidus — /Iseggwadss/ (Lat., sick.) In common law practice, the name of a return made by the sheriff when a defendant, whom he had taken by virtue of process, was so dangerously sick that to remove him would endanger his life or health … Black's law dictionary
languidus — /Iseggwadss/ (Lat., sick.) In common law practice, the name of a return made by the sheriff when a defendant, whom he had taken by virtue of process, was so dangerously sick that to remove him would endanger his life or health … Black's law dictionary
languidus — Sick; ill … Ballentine's law dictionary
languidus in prisona — Sick or ill in prison … Ballentine's law dictionary
duces tecum licet languidus — /d(y)uwsiyz tiykam laysat laeqgwadas/ (Bring with you, although sick.) In practice, an ancient writ, now obsolete, directed to the sheriff, upon a return that he could not bring his prisoner without danger of death, he being adeo languidus (so… … Black's law dictionary
duces tecum licet languidus — /d(y)uwsiyz tiykam laysat laeqgwadas/ (Bring with you, although sick.) In practice, an ancient writ, now obsolete, directed to the sheriff, upon a return that he could not bring his prisoner without danger of death, he being adeo languidus (so… … Black's law dictionary
BLANDUS et languidus color — vegeto et austero opponitur, apud Plinium, l. 37. c. 7. ubi de Sandaresis gemmis, in quibus feminas bland orem habere flammam dicit, cum mares austeri sint vegetique. Metaphora a saporibus ducta; austerus enim in gustu sapor blando et leni… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
duces tecum licet languidus — A writ which lay to bring a person into court notwithstanding his illness … Ballentine's law dictionary
languide — [ lɑ̃gid ] adj. • 1523; lat. languidus ♦ Littér. Qui exprime de la langueur (2o) . « un œil languide et tristement rêveur » (A. Gide). ● languide adjectif (latin languidus) Littéraire. Langoureux, languissant. ● … Encyclopédie Universelle
lánguido — (Del lat. languidus, debilitado.) ► adjetivo 1 Que no tiene fuerza o energía: ■ comía poco y cada vez estaba más lánguido. SINÓNIMO débil [fatigado] 2 Que tiene languidez o falta de ánimo: ■ estaba triste, callada y lánguida. SINÓNIMO… … Enciclopedia Universal
lânced — LẤNCED, Ă, lâncezi, de, adj. 1. (înv.) Slăbit de boală, sleit de puteri. 2. Lipsit de vigoare sau de energie; moale. – lat. languidus. Trimis de ionel bufu, 21.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 LÂNCED adj. v. bolnav, dulceag, fad, insipid, nesănătos,… … Dicționar Român