
jumentum jumentum, i n вьючное животное

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "jumentum" в других словарях:

  • JUMENTUM — a iuvando, ob societatem rustici operis, quae nulla a minori pecore, vel a iugando aut iungendo dictum, hordeo apud Graec, olim et Roman. pascebatur, uti avenam hodie pro pabulo habet. Unde Comicus, Asin. Act. 3. Sc. 3. v. 116. Deman berculeiam… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Jumentum — ♦ A mare; this was the meaning from the eighth century at the latest, but in Classical Latin (and as late as the fourth century) it could denote any form of horse or mule. In the Middle Ages it was not the only Latin word for a mare, equa being… …   Medieval glossary

  • iter est jus eundi, ambulandi hominis; non etiam jumentum agendi vel vehiculum — /aytar est jas iyanday, imbyalaenday homanss, non iysh(iy)am jsmentsm sjenday vel V3hik(y)alsm/ A way is the right of going or walking, and does not include the right of driving a beast of burden or a carriage …   Black's law dictionary

  • iter est jus eundi, ambulandi hominis; non etiam jumentum agendi vel vehiculum — /aytar est jas iyanday, imbyalaenday homanss, non iysh(iy)am jsmentsm sjenday vel V3hik(y)alsm/ A way is the right of going or walking, and does not include the right of driving a beast of burden or a carriage …   Black's law dictionary

  • Iter est jus eundi, ambulandi hominis, non etiam jumentum agendi vel vehiculum — A way is a right of going or walking by man, and not of driving a beast of burden or a vehicle …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • jument — [ ʒymɑ̃ ] n. f. • 1174; lat. jumentum « bête d attelage » ♦ Femelle du cheval. ⇒ 1. cavale, haquenée. Jeune jument. ⇒ pouliche. Monter une jument. Jument pleine qui met bas. ⇒ pouliner. Le mulet, la mule, produit de l âne et de la jument. Jument… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • jument — (ju man) s. f. 1°   La femelle du cheval. •   Lorsqu un franc campagnard avec longue rapière, Montant superbement sa jument poulinière, Qu il honorait du nom de sa bonne jument, MOL. Fâch. II, 7.    Terme de haras. Jument vide, celle qui n a pas… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • нута — I нута I вереница людей, расположение цепью; плавучая цепь для запирания гавани , вологодск., нижегор. (Даль). Возм., от фин. nuotta невод, сеть , которое объясняется из др. сканд. not ж. невод (см. Сетэлэ, FUF 13, 418; Томсен, Einfl. 158)? Но ср …   Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера

  • Jument — Ju ment, n. [L. jumentum a beast of burden: cf. F. jument a mare, OF., a beast of burden.] A beast; especially, a beast of burden. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Fitter for juments than men to feed on. Burton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • easement — ease·ment / ēz mənt/ n [Anglo French esement, literally, benefit, convenience, from Old French aisement, from aisier to ease, assist]: an interest in land owned by another that entitles its holder to a specific limited use or enjoyment (as the… …   Law dictionary

  • jumento — (Del lat. jumentum, bestia de carga.) ► sustantivo ZOOLOGÍA Pollino, asno o burro. * * * jumento, a (del lat. «iumentum»; no frec. en f.) m. *Asno. * * * jumento. (Del lat. iumentum). m. Pollino, asno, burro. * * * ► masculino femenino Asno …   Enciclopedia Universal

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