- judicio
- judicio judicio, avi, atum, are судить
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
judicio — (del lat. «iudicĭum»; ant.) m. Juicio. * * * judicio. (Del lat. iudicĭum). m. desus. juicio … Enciclopedia Universal
judicio — (Del lat. iudicĭum). m. desus. juicio … Diccionario de la lengua española
in judicio — /in jadis(h)(i)yow/ In Roman law, in the course of an actual trial; before a judge (judex). A cause, during its preparatory stages, conducted before the praetor, was said to be in jure; in its second stage, after it had been sent to a judex for… … Black's law dictionary
in judicio — /in jadis(h)(i)yow/ In Roman law, in the course of an actual trial; before a judge (judex). A cause, during its preparatory stages, conducted before the praetor, was said to be in jure; in its second stage, after it had been sent to a judex for… … Black's law dictionary
acta in uno judicio non probant in alio nisi inter easdem personas — /aekta in yuwnow juwdishiyow non prowbaent in eyliyow naysay intar iyeysdam parsownas/ Things done in one action cannot be taken as evidence in another, unless it be between the same parties … Black's law dictionary
confessus in judicio pro judicato habetur, et quodammodo sua sententia damnatur — /kanfesas in juwdish(iy)ow prow juwdakeytow habiytar, et kwowdaemadow s(y)uwa sentensh(iy)a daemneytar/ A person confessing his guilt when arraigned is deemed to have been found guilty, and is, as it were, condemned by his own sentence … Black's law dictionary
de falso judicio — /diy folsow juwdishiyow/ Writ of false judgment … Black's law dictionary
in judicio non creditor nisi juratis — /in jadis(hXi)yow non kredatar naysay jareytas/ In a trial, credence is given only to those who are sworn … Black's law dictionary
jurato creditur in judicio — /jareydow kredatar in jadish(iy)ow/ He who makes oath is to be believed in judgment … Black's law dictionary
acta in uno judicio non probant in alio nisi inter easdem personas — /aekta in yuwnow juwdishiyow non prowbaent in eyliyow naysay intar iyeysdam parsownas/ Things done in one action cannot be taken as evidence in another, unless it be between the same parties … Black's law dictionary
confessus in judicio pro judicato habetur, et quodammodo sua sententia damnatur — /kanfesas in juwdish(iy)ow prow juwdakeytow habiytar, et kwowdaemadow s(y)uwa sentensh(iy)a daemneytar/ A person confessing his guilt when arraigned is deemed to have been found guilty, and is, as it were, condemned by his own sentence … Black's law dictionary