- Bovillae
Bovīllae, ārum f.Бовиллы1) древний городок в Латии, на Аппиевой дороге O, Prp, Su etc.2) городок в юго-вост. Латии, в области Arpinum C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Bovillae — was an ancient town in Lazio, central Italy, currently part of the Frattocchie frazione in the municipality of Marino. It was a station on the Via Appia (which in 293 BC was already paved up to this point), located c. 18 km SE of Rome. It was a… … Wikipedia
BOVILLAE — oppid. in Latio, haud procul ab urbe Roma. Inde suburbanae dictae. Ovid. Fast. l. 3. v. 667. Orta suburbanis quaedam fuit Anna Bovillis. Propert l. 4. el. 1. v. 33. Quippe suburbana parva nanus urbe Bovillae. Videtor Cluverius Ital. Ant. l. 3. p … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Bovillae — (a. Geogr.), Stadt in Latium, am Fuße des Albanergebirges u. an der Via appia, in der Nähe erschlug Milo den Clodius; jetzt Ruinen bei der Osteria delle Fratocchie … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Battle of Bovillae — The Battle of Bovillae was a term that Cicero used to describe a fight between the gangs of Clodius and Milo on January 18, 52 BC. The two were bitter political rivals Clodius was a candidate for the praetorship and Milo the consulship. They met… … Wikipedia
БОВИЛЛЫ — • Bovillae, городок в Лации, на Аппиевой дороге, в 12 милях от Рима, у подошвы Албанской горы, н. руины при Osteria delie Fratocchia, известный как место, где Клодий был убит Милоном (см. Cic. Мil. 17). Gens Iulia имела здесь часовню … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Divus Iulius — Der Divus Iulius (dt. auch: Divus Julius) galt in Rom seit der offiziellen consecratio im Jahr 42 v. Chr. als höchster Staatsgott neben Iupiter Optimus Maximus. Der Divus Iulius ist die Gottheit, zu der Gaius Iulius Caesar nach seiner Ermordung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Divus Julius — Der Divus Iulius (dt. auch: Divus Julius) galt in Rom seit der offiziellen consecratio im Jahr 42 v. Chr. als höchster Staatsgott neben Iupiter Optimus Maximus. Der Divus Iulius ist die Gottheit, zu der Gaius Iulius Caesar nach seiner Ermordung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Veiovis — In Etruscan and Roman mythology Veiovis, Veive or Vediovis, was an old Italian or Etruscan deity. Veiovis (Vediovis) is one of the oldest of the Roman gods. He is a god of healing, and was later associated with the Greek Asclepius [ Roman… … Wikipedia
Circus (building) — The site of the former Circus Maximus in modern day Rome The Roman circus (from Latin, circle ) was a large open air venue used for public events in the ancient Roman Empire. The circuses were similar to the ancient Greek hippodromes, although… … Wikipedia
Marino, Italy — Infobox CityIT img coa = Marino (RM) Stemma.png official name = Comune di Marino region = Lazio province = Rome elevation m = 360 area total km2 = 26.10 population as of = December 31, 2006 population total = 37684 image caption=View of the… … Wikipedia
Tabula Iliaca — A Tabula Iliaca is a generic label for a calculation of the days of the Iliad, probably by Zenodotus, of which numerous fragmentary examples are now known. The term is conventionally applied to twenty marble low reliefs (sculptural form in which… … Wikipedia