- ita
- ita ita demum только в том случае
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Ita — or ITA can refer to:Individuals * Ita of Lorraine (c.1040 1113), mother of Godfrey of Bouillon * Ita Wegman (1876 1943), co founder of Anthroposophical Medicine * Saint Ita or Saint Ida, a 6th century Irish saint * Saint Ita, wife of Pepin I (see … Wikipedia
Ita — est un prénom, autre forme de Itta, ou Ida. Ita Gassel Ita Wegman En République Démocratique du Congo, diminutif d Itango qui signifie soleil, ce prénom est généralement attribué aux nouveau nés à qui l on souhaite longévité et réussite. Ita… … Wikipédia en Français
ita — ita; ita·bi·rite; ita·cism; ita·cist; ita·uba; ITA; ita·cis·tic; … English syllables
ITA — steht für: Informationstechnischer Assistent, Berufsbild Information Technology for Automotive Interessensverband der internationalen Automobilindustrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Informationstechnologie Information Technology Agreement Ingenieur… … Deutsch Wikipedia
iţă — ÍŢĂ, iţe, s.f. Dispozitiv la războiul de ţesut, format dintr o ramă dreptunghiulară pe care sunt fixate sârme sau sfori paralele, prin ochiurile cărora trec firele de urzeală pentru formarea rostului; fiecare dintre firele cu ochiuri care fac… … Dicționar Român
ITA — can refer to: * Country code for ITA or the Italian language * Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (Aeronautics Technological Institute), an elite engineering school in São José dos Campos, Brazil * Illinois Trade Association, a trade… … Wikipedia
Ita — steht für: Informationstechnischer Assistent / Informationstechnische Assistentin, Berufsbild Information Technology for Automotive Interessensverband der internationalen Automobilindustrie mit dem Schwerpunkt Informationstechnologie Information… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ITA — or ITA abbrev. initial teaching alphabet * * * ITA abbr. initial teaching alphabet. * * * ▪ town, Paraguay town, southern Paraguay. It was founded in 1539 as one of the original fort settlements of Paraguay and later became … Universalium
Itá — may refer to:*Itá, a Paraguayan city *Itá, a Brazilian city in the state of Santa Catarina … Wikipedia
ITA 94 — Banderas … Wikipedia Español
ITA 45 — Banderas Historial Clase Clase Internaciona … Wikipedia Español