- indicium
- indicium indicium, i n улика
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Indicĭum — (lat.), Anzeige, s. Indiz … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
indicium — I index designation (symbol) II index disclosure (something disclosed), evidence (noun), evidence (verb) … Law dictionary
indicium — /in dish ee euhm/, n., pl. indicia / dish ee euh/, indiciums. indicia (def. 2). [1615 25; < L: disclosure, sign, indication, equiv. to indic(are) to make known (see INDICATE) + ium … Universalium
Indicium — Знак; буква; цифра; литера … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
indicium — in·di·ci·um … English syllables
indicium — in|di|ci|um (el. indicie) sb., indiciet, indicier, indicierne, i sms. indicie , fx indiciebevis … Dansk ordbog
indicium — s (indiciet, indicier) bevis, tecken el. omständighet som tyder på ngt … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
indicium — /indis(hXi)yam/ In the civil law, a sign or mark. A species of proof, answering very nearly to the circumstantial evidence of the common law … Black's law dictionary
indicium — /indis(hXi)yam/ In the civil law, a sign or mark. A species of proof, answering very nearly to the circumstantial evidence of the common law … Black's law dictionary
indicium — A mark; a sign; a token; a symbol; a disclosure; a thing furnishing information … Ballentine's law dictionary
indicium — ə̇nˈdishēəm noun (plural indicia or indiciums) Etymology: Latin, sign, mark : indicia 1 … Useful english dictionary