
incido incido, cidi, cisum, ere вырезать

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "incido" в других словарях:

  • Amphismela — An amphismela is an anatomical knife, edged on both sides. The term comes from the Greek αμφι ( utrinque , on both sides ), and μελιζω ( incido , I cut ) …   Wikipedia

  • Incidence — The frequency with which something, such as a disease or trait, appears in a particular population or area. * * * 1. The number of specified new events, e.g., persons falling ill with a specified disease, during a specified period in a specified… …   Medical dictionary

  • incident — Going toward; impinging upon, as i. rays. [L. incido, pp. casus, to fall into, to meet with] * * * in·ci·dent in(t) səd ənt, sə .dent adj falling or striking on something <incident light rays> <incident radiation> * * * in·ci·dent… …   Medical dictionary

  • incisal — Cutting; relating to the cutting edges of the incisor and cuspid teeth. [L. incido, pp. cisus, to cut into] * * * in·ci·sal in sī zəl adj relating to, being, or involving the cutting edge or surface of a tooth (as an incisor) * * * in·ci·sal (in… …   Medical dictionary

  • incisor — SYN: i. tooth. [L. incido, to cut into] central i. the first tooth in the maxilla and mandible on either side of the midsagittal plane of the head. Hutchinson incisors SYN: Hutchinson teeth, under tooth. lateral i. SYN: second i.. second i …   Medical dictionary

  • semelincident — An obsolete term that means happening once only; said of an infectious disease, one attack of which confers permanent immunity. [L. semel, once, + incido, to happen, fr. cado, to fall] …   Medical dictionary

  • Marden rail crash — Date and time 4 January 1969 at 20:42 Location Between Paddock Wood and Marden railway stations. Coordinates Approximately TQ 724 449 …   Wikipedia

  • FAX — an a faciendo lucem, an a Graeco φάος, lux? tenebris primum pellendis reperta, ad varios postmodum usus adhibita est. Et quidem Facibus adgubutus pleraqueve Graeciae mysteria peragebantur, ut quae noctu ut plurimum, et sininterdiu, in templis ab… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • carattere — ca·ràt·te·re s.m. 1. FO segno grafico a cui è attribuito un significato, spec. lettera di un alfabeto o segno di una scrittura: carattere latino, greco, gotico; carattere geroglifico, cuneiforme; decifrare i caratteri di una scrittura; caratteri… …   Dizionario italiano

  • geroglifico — ge·ro·ġlì·fi·co s.m., agg. CO 1. s.m., ciascuno dei segni della scrittura ideografica degli antichi Egizi | agg., costituito da tali segni: caratteri geroglifici 2. s.m., fig., segno, scrittura di difficile lettura; ghirigoro, scarabocchio… …   Dizionario italiano

  • glittico — ġlìt·ti·co agg., s.m. TS arte 1. agg., della glittica, che riguarda la glittica: tecniche glittiche 2. s.m., intagliatore di gemme e pietre dure {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: gliptico. DATA: 1869. ETIMO: dal gr. tardo gluptikós, der. di glúphō… …   Dizionario italiano

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