- illicitus
- illicitus illicitus, a, um неразрешённый
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
crimen falsi dicitur, cum quis illicitus, cui non fuerit ad haec data auctoritas, de sigillo regis, rapto vel invento, brevia, cartasve consignaverit — /krayman foltsay disatar, kam kwis alisatas, k(yuw)ay non fyuwarat aed hiyk deyta oktohrataes, diy sajilow riyjas, rsptow vel inventow, briyviya kartaesviy konsigneyvarat/ The crime of forgery is when any one illicitly, to whom power has not been … Black's law dictionary
crimen falsi dicitur, cum quis illicitus, cui non fuerit ad haec data auctoritas, de sigillo regis, rapto vel invento, brevia, cartasve consignaverit — /krayman foltsay disatar, kam kwis alisatas, k(yuw)ay non fyuwarat aed hiyk deyta oktohrataes, diy sajilow riyjas, rsptow vel inventow, briyviya kartaesviy konsigneyvarat/ The crime of forgery is when any one illicitly, to whom power has not been … Black's law dictionary
illicite — [ i(l)lisit ] adj. • 1364; lat. illicitus ♦ Qui n est pas licite, qui est défendu par la morale ou par la loi. ⇒ défendu, illégal, 1. interdit, prohibé. Fait illicite (⇒ délictuel) . Commerce illicite (⇒ trafic) . Vente illicite de revues, de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ilicit — ILICÍT, Ă, iliciţi, te, adj. Interzis de lege, contrar unei legi sau unei norme; p. ext. necinstit. – Din fr. illicite, lat. illicitus. Trimis de gall, 16.06.2008. Sursa: DEX 98 Ilicit ≠ licit, legal Trimis de siveco, 03.08.2004. Sursa:… … Dicționar Român
ilícito — ► adjetivo Que no está permitido porque es ilegal o inmoral: ■ la prensa condenó las ilícitas contrataciones de obras; relaciones ilícitas. SINÓNIMO ilegal ilegítimo indebido [prohibido] * * * ilícito, a (del lat. «illicĭtus») adj. No permitido,… … Enciclopedia Universal
IDOLOTHYTA — Graece ἐδωλοθυτα, sunt quae Idolis immolantur; circa quorum esum vel abstinentiam quid observandum sit, exstat constitutio Apostolica 1. Cor. c. 8. v. 4. 7. et 10. Quid autem de victimarum carne in esum usumque sacrificantium, apud Gentiles,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Illicit — Il*lic it, a. [L. illicitus; pref. il not + licitus, p. p. of licere to be allowed or permitted: cf. F. illicite. See {In } not, and {License}.] Not permitted or allowed; prohibited; unlawful; as, illicit trade; illicit intercourse; illicit… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Illicitly — Illicit Il*lic it, a. [L. illicitus; pref. il not + licitus, p. p. of licere to be allowed or permitted: cf. F. illicite. See {In } not, and {License}.] Not permitted or allowed; prohibited; unlawful; as, illicit trade; illicit intercourse;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Illicitness — Illicit Il*lic it, a. [L. illicitus; pref. il not + licitus, p. p. of licere to be allowed or permitted: cf. F. illicite. See {In } not, and {License}.] Not permitted or allowed; prohibited; unlawful; as, illicit trade; illicit intercourse;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
illicit — adjective Etymology: Latin illicitus, from in + licitus lawful more at licit Date: 1506 not permitted ; unlawful • illicitly adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
Reordination — is the second ordination of a cleric whose original ordination is questionable.HistoryThe Oratorian Jean Morin, in the seventeenth century, and Cardinal Hergenröther, in the nineteenth, designated as reordinations the history of all ordinations… … Wikipedia