- haustus
- haustus haustus, us m черпание
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Haustus — (lat.), 1) Trunk; 2) Tränkchen, flüssiges Arzneimittel, dessen Menge 6 Unzen nicht übersteigt, u. das auf einmal, od. wenigstens bald nach einander genommen wird: 3) (röm. Rechtse.), das Recht, Wasser aus dem Brunnen od. Wasserbehältniß des… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
haustus — ˈhȯstəs noun (plural haustus) Etymology: Latin, literally, action of drawing, from haustus, past participle Roman & civil law : a right to draw water from a well or spring on another s land and a right of passage to and from the well or spring… … Useful english dictionary
haustus — A potion or medicinal draft. [L. a drink, draft] … Medical dictionary
haustus — haus·tus … English syllables
haustus — /hostss/ In the civil law, a species of servitude, consisting in the right to draw water from another s well or spring, in which the iter (right of way to the well or spring), so far as it is necessary, is tacitly included … Black's law dictionary
haustus — /hostss/ In the civil law, a species of servitude, consisting in the right to draw water from another s well or spring, in which the iter (right of way to the well or spring), so far as it is necessary, is tacitly included … Black's law dictionary
haustus — A drawing, as of water from a well … Ballentine's law dictionary
Aquae haustus — (lat.), in Rom das Recht, aus dem, einem Andern gehörigen Wasserbehälter Wasser zu schöpfen; dagegen Aquae jus, die Gerechtigkeit, aus den großen Wasserbehältern der Aquäducte Wasser durch Röhren abzuleiten … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Aquae haustus — • Aquae haustus, сервитут, дававший право брать воду из колодца, принадлежащего соседу. Cic. Саес. 26 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
aquae haustus — /aekwiy hostas/ In the civil law, a servitude which consists in the right to draw water from the fountain, pool, or spring of another … Black's law dictionary
jus aquae haustus — /jas aekwiy hostas/ In Roman law, a rural servitude giving to a person a right of watering cattle on another s field, or of drawing water from another s well … Black's law dictionary