
harena harena, ae f песок

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "harena" в других словарях:

  • Harena — Este artículo está huérfano, pues pocos o ningún artículo enlazan aquí. Por favor, introduce enlaces hacia esta página desde otros artículos relacionados …   Wikipedia Español

  • Mennana Harena Buluk — ( Menna and Harena Buluk ) is one of the 180 woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia.[1] Part of the Bale Zone, Mennana Harena Buluk is bordered on the south by Meda Welabu, on the west by Nensebo, on the northwest by Adaba, on the north by Goba …   Wikipedia

  • Menna fi Harena Buluk (woreda) — Menna fi Harena Buluk est un des 180 woredas de la région Oromia. Voir aussi Bale (zone) Portail de l’Éthiopie Catégorie : Woreda de la régio …   Wikipédia en Français

  • HARENARUM Remedium — apud Suet. Aug. c. 8. Coxendice et femore et crure sinistro non perinde valebat, ut saepe etiam inde claudicaret, sed remedio harenarum atque harundinum confir mabatur; vel de fomentis calidis affectae parti admotis, inter quae harenam quoque… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • AUROSA — Harena, apud Ael. Lamprid in Heliogabalo, c. 31. Scobe auri porticum stravit et Argenti ut fit hodie de aurosa harena: quid sit, vide supra in voce Auri vena. Nempe quacumque pedibus iter faciebat Imperator, sternebatur via aurosa harenâ. Quem… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Nensebo (woreda) — Nensebo is one of the 180 woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Bale Zone, Nensebo is bordered on the south by the Borena Zone, on the west by the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region, on the northwest by Kokosa, on… …   Wikipedia

  • Meda Welabu — is one of the 180 woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Bale Zone, Meda Welabu is bordered on the south by the Ganale Dorya River which separates it from the Borena Zone, on the northwest by Nensebo, on the north by Mennana Harena …   Wikipedia

  • Bale-Zone — Die Bale Zone ist eine Verwaltungszone in der Region Oromia in Äthiopien. Sie liegt geographisch im südlichen Hochland. Die Bewohner sind überwiegend Oromo von der Untergruppe der Arsi. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2 Bevölkerung 3 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • arena — 1a·ré·na s.f. CO 1. sabbia: un granello d arena Sinonimi: rena. 2. lido, spiaggia: sedersi sull arena del fiume 3. LE suolo, terra: e gli occhi porto per fuggire intenti | ove vestigio uman l arena stampi (Petrarca) 4. OB TS med. → 1renella… …   Dizionario italiano

  • Arena — A*re na, n.; pl. E. {Arenas}; L. {Aren[ae]}. [L. arena, harena, sand, a sandy place.] 1. (Rom. Antiq.) The area in the central part of an amphitheater, in which the gladiators fought and other shows were exhibited; so called because it was… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Arenae — Arena A*re na, n.; pl. E. {Arenas}; L. {Aren[ae]}. [L. arena, harena, sand, a sandy place.] 1. (Rom. Antiq.) The area in the central part of an amphitheater, in which the gladiators fought and other shows were exhibited; so called because it was… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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