- grex
- grex grex, gregis m толпа
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
GREX — Latinis, quod συν´οδος Graecis: quorum utrumque de Scenicorum proprie familia, collegio, choro, tam patrumfamilias, quam Ministeriorum. Petron. Edit. Gonsali de Salas p. 24. Edit. Bosch. c. 40. Grex agit in scena mimum: pater ille vocatur, Filius … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Grex — is the Latin word for herd or flock . The word is also used for:*Grex, a public access Unix system that is operated by Cyberspace Communications. *A grex, a multicellular aggregate of amoeba of the phyla Acrasiomycota or Dictyosteliomycota … Wikipedia
grex — index band, company (enterprise) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
grex — The multicellular aggregate formed by cellular slime moulds (Acrasidae) : the slug like grex migrates, showing positive phototaxis and negative gravitaxis, until culmination (the formation of a fruiting body) takes place. Coordination of the… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Grex Vocalis — (The Singing Herd) is a Norwegian chamber choir, formed in 1971 by Carl Høgset, who remains its conductor. The repertoire spans from the renaissance to music by contemporary composers. The choir has been awarded the Norwegian Spellemannprisen… … Wikipedia
grex venalium — /greks ve nāˈli əm or we näˈli oom/ (Latin) noun The venal crowd or throng ORIGIN: Literally, the herd of hirelings … Useful english dictionary
Grex (horticulture) — The term grex (pl. greges), derived from the Latin noun grex, gregis meaning flock, has been coined to expand botanical nomenclature to describe horticultural hybrids of orchids, based solely on their specified parentage.[1] It is a type of the… … Wikipedia
Grex (biology) — A grex (or slug ) is a multicellular aggregate of amoeba of the groups Acrasiomycota or Dictyosteliida that can be formed when the amoeba run out of food. It takes its form when the column formed from the aggregation of cells collapses due to its … Wikipedia
grex name — noun A common name for the collective (herd) of hybrids stemming from a given set of two (or more) commonly paired parent species Grex names are mainly used for orchids and bromeliads, which hybridize easily and are eagerly cultivated … Wiktionary
grex — /greks/, n. a numerical system for measuring the size of fibers, filaments, or yarns, based on the weight in grams of 10,000 meters of the fibrous material. [from the expression gram per x (ten)] * * * … Universalium
GREX — Georgetown Rail Equipment Company (Regional » Railroads) … Abbreviations dictionary