
gluten gluten, inis n клей

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "gluten" в других словарях:

  • Gluten — is a composite of the proteins gliadin and glutenin . These exist, conjoined with starch, in the endosperms of some grass related grains, notably wheat, rye, and barley. Gliadin and glutenin comprise about 80% of the protein contained in wheat… …   Wikipedia

  • gluten — [ glytɛn ] n. m. • 1515; mot lat. « glu, colle » ♦ Matière protidique localisée à la périphérie des graines de graminées, qui subsiste après élimination de l amidon des farines de céréales. Le gluten rend la farine panifiable. Intolérance au… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Gluten — (von lat. gluten = „Leim“; ausgesprochen [ˈɡluːtɛn], heute meist [ɡluˈteːn] in Analogie zu zahlreichen Bezeichnungen chemischer Substanzen liegt die Betonung auf en ; Synonyme: Kleber, Klebereiweiß) ist ein Sammelbegriff für ein Stoffgemisch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • gluten — GLUTÉN s.n. Substanţă proteică densă, vâscoasă, moale şi elastică, prezentă în boabele şi în făina cerealelor. – Din fr., lat. gluten. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  glutén s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar… …   Dicționar Român

  • Gluten — Glu ten, n. [L., glue: cf. F. gluten. See {Glue}.] (Chem.) The viscid, tenacious substance which gives adhesiveness to dough. [1913 Webster] Note: Gluten is a complex and variable mixture of glutin or gliadin, vegetable fibrin, vegetable casein,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gluten — m. bioquím. Conjunto de proteínas presentes en la harina de trigo, cebada, centeno y avena y cuya intolerancia provoca la enfermedad celíaca. Medical Dictionary. 2011. gluten …   Diccionario médico

  • gluten — 1630s, any sticky substance, from M.Fr. gluten (16c.) or directly from L. gluten glue (see GLUE (Cf. glue)). Used 16c. 19c. for the part of animal tissue now called FIBRIN (Cf. fibrin); used since 1803 of the nitrogenous part of the flour of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • gluten — glùtēn m <G gluténa> DEFINICIJA biol. 1. ljepljiva tekućina u životinjskim tijelima 2. smjesa bjelančevina sadržana u pšeničnom brašnu ETIMOLOGIJA lat. gluten: ljepilo …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • gluten — sustantivo masculino 1. (no contable) Sustancia parda y pegajosa, de gran valor nutritivo, que se encuentra en las semillas de las gramíneas y se obtiene mezclando agua con harina y separando los glúcidos: El gluten es una sustancia de reserva… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • gluten — (Del lat. gluten, cola). 1. m. Sustancia pegajosa que puede servir para unir una cosa a otra. 2. Bot. Proteína de reserva nutritiva que se encuentra en las semillas de las gramíneas junto con el almidón …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • gluten — [glo͞ot′ n] n. [L gluten, glue, akin to LL glus, GLUE] a gray, sticky, nutritious mixture of proteins, including gliadin, found in wheat and other grain: it gives dough its tough, elastic quality glutenous adj …   English World dictionary

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