- gestio
- gestio gestio, ivi, itum, ire стремиться страстно
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Gestio — • Gestio (юр.), 1. pro herede gestio, безгласное принятие наследства, причем наследник исполняет действия, которые подобают только наследнику, назначенному законным порядком; 2. gestio sc. negotiorum, ведение дел опекуном за… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
gestio — /jest(i)yow/ In the civil law, behavior or conduct. Management or transaction. @ negotiorum gestio the doing of another s business; an interference in the affairs of another in his absence, from benevolence or friendship, and without authority +… … Black's law dictionary
gestio — /jest(i)yow/ In the civil law, behavior or conduct. Management or transaction. @ negotiorum gestio the doing of another s business; an interference in the affairs of another in his absence, from benevolence or friendship, and without authority +… … Black's law dictionary
gestió — ges|ti|ó Mot Agut Nom femení … Diccionari Català-Català
gestio — An act; behavior; conduct; a performance; a transaction … Ballentine's law dictionary
gestio pro haerede — Behavior or conduct as an heir; such conduct as renders the heir liable for the debts of his ancestor … Ballentine's law dictionary
gestio pro haerede — ˈgestēˌōˌprōˌhīˈrā(ˌ)dā noun Etymology: Latin, behavior as heir Roman, civil, & Scots law : conduct as an heir that makes one liable for the debts of an ancestor … Useful english dictionary
Negotiorum gestio — (Latin for management of business ), or agency without specific authorisation (German: Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag) under the German Civil Code[1], undertaking formed without agreement (French: engagement formé sans convention) under the French … Wikipedia
negotiorum gestio — ne·go·ti·or·um ges·tio /ni ˌgō shē ȯr əm jes chē ō/ n [Late Latin, from Latin, management of business] in the civil law of Louisiana: the management of or interference with the business or affairs of another without authority Merriam Webster’s… … Law dictionary
Negotiōrum gestĭo — (lat.), soviel wie Geschäftsführung (s. d.), Negotiorum gestor, Geschäftsführer, d.h. derjenige, der eine N. g. vornimmt … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
negotiorum gestio — noun A situation in which a gestor acts on behalf of a principal for the benefit of that principal, but without the consent of that principal, and the action is later ratified by the principal. The gestor is only entitled to reimbursement of… … Wiktionary