- fulmen
- fulmen fulmen, inis n молния
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
FULMEN — in Theologie Poetica, ut et Tonitru, designatut Geryonis fabula, cui a γηρύειν, i. e. φωνεῖν, Lat. sonando, nomen. Unde quod is triceps, quod boves ei tributi, quorum in Ins. Erythia sedes; quod idem ex Chrysaore et Callirrhoe natus fingitur,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Fulmen — (lat.), Blitz; daher Fulminiren, 1) blitzen; 2) verpuffen; 3) fürchterlich drohen; Fulminant, blitzend, drohend; Fulmination, 1) das Blitzen, Wettern; 2) Explosion mit lebhafter Entzündung; 3) das Verkündigen des päpstlichen Bannes … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Fulmen — Fulmen, lat. Blitz; fulminant, blitzend; wetternd; Fulmination, Explosion mit Knall, daher Fulminate, mit Knall explodirende chem. Präparate … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Fulmen — Recorded as Full, Fulle, Fullard, Fullerd, Fullager, Fullman, Fulmen and others, this is almost certainly a surname of English origins. These are quite complex and there are at least three and possibly more of them. The most likely explanation is … Surnames reference
fulmen — See brutum fulmen … Ballentine's law dictionary
fulmen — … Useful english dictionary
Conus fulmen — Apertural view of Conus fulmen Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
Erastes Fulmen — Rome character name= Erastes Fulmen class= Plebeian family= Wife Phillis allies= None enemies= Lucius Vorenus appearances= 1 04 Stealing from Saturn 1 05 The Ram has Touched the Wall 1 10 Triumph 1 11 The Spoils 2 1 Passover portrayed= Lorcan… … Wikipedia
brutum fulmen — index disaster Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 brutum fulmen … Law dictionary
Eripuit coelo fulmén sceptrúmque tyránnis — (lat., »Er entriß dem Himmel den Blitz, den Tyrannen das Zepter«), Vers, mit dem Benj. Franklin bei seiner Aufnahme in die französische Akademie von d Alembert empfangen wurde; soll den bekannten Friedrich v. d. Trenck zum Verfasser haben. Vgl.… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
brutum fulmen — Empty or harmless thunder. That the national will, thus declared, may not be a mere brutum fulmen, the last section of the amendment (the Fourteenth) invests Congress with power to enforce it by appropriate legislation. See Civil Rights Cases,… … Ballentine's law dictionary