- frivolus
- frivolus frivolus, a, um вздорный
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
frivole — [ frivɔl ] adj. • XIIe; lat. frivolus 1 ♦ Qui a peu de sérieux et, par suite, d importance. ⇒ futile, inconsistant, insignifiant , léger, superficiel, vain. Lectures, pensées, distractions frivoles. « La philosophie est, selon les jours, une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
frívolo — (Del lat. frivolus, fútil, insignificante.) ► adjetivo 1 Ligero o insustancial: ■ tu actitud frívola te está creando mala fama. SINÓNIMO superficial trivial vano 2 Se aplica a la publicación o espectáculo que trata de temas poco serios o… … Enciclopedia Universal
frivol — schweinisch (umgangssprachlich); obszön; vulgär; schlüpfrig; unzüchtig; derb; unter der Gürtellinie (umgangssprachlich); anstößig; schmierig; schmutzig; geschmacklos; … Universal-Lexikon
faribole — [ faribɔl ] n. f. • 1532; p. ê. lat. frivolus « frivole » ♦ Chose, propos vain et frivole. ⇒ baliverne, bêtise, sornette. Dire, conter des fariboles. « Et n ayez aucun égard pour le nom, le titre et autres fariboles » (Bernanos). Idée sans… … Encyclopédie Universelle
frivol — FRIVÓL, Ă, frivoli, e, adj. (Despre oameni) Care este preocupat de lucruri neserioase, care umblă după plăceri uşoare; uşuratic. ♦ (Despre lucruri, fapte, atitudini) Lipsit de seriozitate, de temeinicie, de importanţă. – Din fr. frivole, it.… … Dicționar Român
bhrēi-, bhrī̆- — bhrēi , bhrī̆ English meaning: to pierce, cut with smth. sharp Deutsche Übersetzung: “with scharfem Werkzeug schneiden, etc” Note: extension from bher . Material: O.Ind. bhrīṇ a nti “be hurt” (Pf. bibhrüya Dhütup.), Av.… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Fribble — Frib ble, a. [Cf. F. frivole, L. frivolus, or E. frippery.] Frivolous; trifling; silly. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Frivolous — Friv o*lous, a. [L. frivolus; prob. akin to friare to rub, crumble, E. friable: cf. F. frivole.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of little weight or importance; not worth notice; slight; as, a frivolous argument. Swift. [1913 Webster] 2. Given to trifling;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Frivolously — Frivolous Friv o*lous, a. [L. frivolus; prob. akin to friare to rub, crumble, E. friable: cf. F. frivole.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of little weight or importance; not worth notice; slight; as, a frivolous argument. Swift. [1913 Webster] 2. Given to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Frivolousness — Frivolous Friv o*lous, a. [L. frivolus; prob. akin to friare to rub, crumble, E. friable: cf. F. frivole.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of little weight or importance; not worth notice; slight; as, a frivolous argument. Swift. [1913 Webster] 2. Given to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
frivolous — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin frivolus Date: 15th century 1. a. of little weight or importance b. having no sound basis (as in fact or law) < a frivolous lawsuit > 2. a. lacking in seriousness b. marked by unbecoming levity •… … New Collegiate Dictionary