- fremitus
- fremitus fremitus, us m рокот
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Fremitus — is a palpable vibration on the human body. In common medical usage, it usually refers to (tactile) vocal fremitus, although there are several other types.Bronchial fremitusSee rhonchal fremitus below.Hepatic fremitusHepatic fremitus is a… … Wikipedia
Fremitus — [lateinisch »Rauschen«, »Tönen«] der, , fühlbares Vibrieren der Brust oder Bauchwand durch Fortleitung von Rasselgeräuschen bei Bronchialerkrankungen (Fremitus bronchialis); auch die (normale) Begleitschwingung des Lungengewebes (Fremitus… … Universal-Lexikon
Fremitus — Frem i*tus, n., sing. & pl. [L., a murmuring, roaring.] (Med.) Palpable vibration or thrill; as, the rhonchial fremitus. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
FREMITUS — leoni proprius. Plin. l. 8. c. 16. Ubi saevit in viros, prius quam in feminas, fremit, Virg. Aen. l. 9. v. 341. l. 12. v. 8. Fremit ore cruento, Lucan. Civ. Bell. l. 1. v. 209. vasto et grave murmur hiatu Infremuit. Senec. in Oedipo, Act. 1.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Fremĭtus — (lat.), das fast unsichtbare Erzittern des Körpers u. der Glieder, ein Begleiter der Fieberfröstelns … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Fremĭtus — (lat., »Schwirren«), s. Pektoralfremitus … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Fremitus — Fremitus, lat., das Erzittern des Körpers, z.B. bei Fieberschauern … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
fremitus — frèmitus m DEFINICIJA med. titranje koje se osjeti pod dlanom položenim na prsa prilikom govora ETIMOLOGIJA lat.: huk, tutnjava, žamor … Hrvatski jezični portal
fremitus — [frem′i təs] n. [ModL < L, a roaring < fremere, to roar < IE base * bherem , to murmur > Welsh brefu, to bray, Ger brummen, to grumble] Med. a vibration, esp. one felt in palpation of the chest … English World dictionary
fremitus — A vibration imparted to the hand resting on the chest or other part of the body. SEE ALSO: thrill. [L. a dull roaring sound, fr. fremo, pp. itus, to roar, resound] bronchial f. adventitious pulmonary sounds or … Medical dictionary
fremitus — n. vibrations or tremors in a part of the body, detected by feeling with the fingers or hand (palpation) or by listening (auscultation). The term is most commonly applied to vibrations perceived through the chest when a patient breathes, speaks… … The new mediacal dictionary