- fortuitus
- fortuitus fortuitus, a, um случайный
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
fortuitus — index coincidental, fortuitous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Casus fortuitus — Casus Ca sus, n. [L.] An event; an occurrence; an occasion; a combination of circumstances; a case; an act of God. See the Note under {Accident}. [1913 Webster] {Casus belli}, an event or combination of events which is a cause war, or may be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ad vim majorem vel ad casus fortuitus non tenetur quis, nisi sua culpa intervenerit — /abd vim majoram vel id keysas fart(y)uwatas non taniytar kwis, naysay s(y)iiwa kalpa intarvanirat/ No one is held to answer for the effects of a superior force, or of accidents, unless his own fault has contributed … Black's law dictionary
casus fortuitus — /keysas fortyuwatas/ An inevitable accident, a chance occurrence, or fortuitous event. A loss happening in spite of all human effort and sagacity … Black's law dictionary
casus fortuitus non est sperandus, et nemo tenetur devinare — /keysas fortyuwatas non est sparindas, et niymow taniytar devaneriy/ A fortuitous event is not to be expected, and no one is bound to foresee it … Black's law dictionary
casus fortuitus non est supponendus — /keysas fortyuwatas non est sapanendas/ A fortuitous event is not to be presumed … Black's law dictionary
ad vim majorem vel ad casus fortuitus non tenetur quis, nisi sua culpa intervenerit — /abd vim majoram vel id keysas fart(y)uwatas non taniytar kwis, naysay s(y)iiwa kalpa intarvanirat/ No one is held to answer for the effects of a superior force, or of accidents, unless his own fault has contributed … Black's law dictionary
casus fortuitus — /keysas fortyuwatas/ An inevitable accident, a chance occurrence, or fortuitous event. A loss happening in spite of all human effort and sagacity … Black's law dictionary
casus fortuitus non est sperandus, et nemo tenetur devinare — /keysas fortyuwatas non est sparindas, et niymow taniytar devaneriy/ A fortuitous event is not to be expected, and no one is bound to foresee it … Black's law dictionary
casus fortuitus non est supponendus — /keysas fortyuwatas non est sapanendas/ A fortuitous event is not to be presumed … Black's law dictionary
casus fortuitus — Same as cas fortuit … Ballentine's law dictionary