- fluo
- fluo fluo, fluxi, fluxum, ere течь
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
fluo — fluo·aluminate; fluo·borate; fluo·boric; fluo·bo·rite; fluo·cerite; fluo·phosphate; fluo·silicate; fluo·silicic; fluo·sulfonic; tri·fluo·per·a·zine; fluo·cerine; … English syllables
Fluo- — Flu o (Chem.) A combining form indicating fluorine as an ingredient; as in fluosilicate, fluobenzene. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fluo- — [flo͞o′ō, flo͞o′ə] [< FLUOR] combining form FLUORO … English World dictionary
fluo- — ⇒FLU(O) , FLUOR , (FLU , FLUO )élément de compos. Élém. de compos. toujours vivant, tiré de fluor, servant à construire des termes de chim. dont le signifié a un rapport avec le fluor. I. [Forme flu(o) ] A. [Sert à former des adj. Le 2e élém. est … Encyclopédie Universelle
fluo — fluorescent, ente [ flyɔresɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1864; mot angl. (1853); cf. fluorescence 1 ♦ Relatif à la fluorescence; doué de fluorescence. Corps fluorescent. Lumière fluorescente (⇒ phosphorescent) . ♢ Par méton. Lampe fluorescente, tube… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Fluo — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Fluo », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Le mot fluo est l apocope du mot fluorescent. Il… … Wikipédia en Français
fluo- — 1. Combining form denoting flow. 2. Prefix often used to denote fluorine (used in the generic name s of drugs). SEE ALSO: fluor . [L. fluo, pp. fluxus, to flow] … Medical dictionary
fluo|rog|ra|phy — «flu ROG ruh fee, FLOO uh ROG », noun. a technique for taking pictures giving a fluoroscopic view, that uses a camera requiring only one sixth of the amount of X ray exposure required by a fluoroscope. ╂[< fluoro(scope) + graphy] … Useful english dictionary
fluo|ros|co|pist — «flu ROS kuh pihst, FLOO uh ROS », noun. a person trained in the use of the fluoroscope … Useful english dictionary
fluo|ros|co|py — «flu ROS kuh pee, FLOO uh ROS », noun. the use of a fluoroscope; examination of an object by X rays or other radiations … Useful english dictionary
fluo- — var. of fluoro : fluoboric. * * * … Universalium