- bissext-
v. l. = bisext-
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
bissext — bissèst m. bissexte. L an dau bissext : l année bissextile ; expr. : Te lo rendrà l an dau bissèxt : il te le rendra à la saint glinglin ; guignon, malheur ; désastre … Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu
bissext — n. intercalary day; bissextile, leap year adj. containing the bissext; having an extra day or month inserted (of a year), intercalary … English contemporary dictionary
bissext — n. intercalary day. ♦ bissextile, a. containing the bissext; intercalary; n. leap year … Dictionary of difficult words
bissext — … Useful english dictionary
Bissextus — Bissext, or bissextus (Lat. bis , twice; sextus , sixth), theday intercalated by the Julian calendar in the February of everyfourth year to make up the six hours by which the solar year wascomputed to exceed the year of 365 days. The day was… … Wikipedia
bissextile — /buy seks til, tuyl, bi /, adj. 1. containing or noting the extra day of leap year: The years 1980 and 1984 were both bissextile. n. 2. See leap year. [1585 95; < LL bi(s)sextilis (annus) leap year, equiv. to bissext(us) BISSEXTUS + ilis ILE] * * … Universalium
Wladislaw — Diocese of Wladislaw † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Diocese of Wladislaw (Polish WLOCLAWEK; Latin VLADISLAVIENSIS ET POMERANLAE). The historical origin of this diocese is not known precisely. The city of Wladislaw, or Wloclawek, in the … Catholic encyclopedia
bissêtre — (bi sê tr ) s. m. Mot inusité présentement, qui signifiait malheur, malaventure. • Eh bien ne voilà pas mon enragé de maître ? Il nous va faire encor quelque nouveau bissêtre, MOL. l Étour. V, 7. HISTORIQUE XIVe s. • Nuls ne sait le… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
CEREUS — I. CEREUS Paschalis, in Communione Romana dicitur, cui in Sabatho Paschatis a Diacono benedicitur et qui novô igne accenditur, auctore Zosimô Pontifice Romano, ut Amalarius, Rupertus, Durandus, Sigebertus, volunt. Baronius vero ad A. C. 418. n.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
bissextil — Bissextil, [bissext]ile. L année où se rencontre le bissexte. L an bissextil. l année bissextile … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
bissextile — /buy seks til, tuyl, bi /, adj. 1. containing or noting the extra day of leap year: The years 1980 and 1984 were both bissextile. n. 2. See leap year. [1585 95; < LL bi(s)sextilis (annus) leap year, equiv. to bissext(us) BISSEXTUS + ilis … Useful english dictionary