- factus
- factus factus, a, um обработанный
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
factus — (лат.) сделанный … Словарь ботанических терминов
factus — … Useful english dictionary
Christus factus est — (WAB 9 11) ist der Titel dreier Vertonungen einer lateinischen Bibelstelle aus dem Brief des Paulus an die Philipper (Kapitel 2, Verse 8 9) von Anton Bruckner. Der Text bildet das Graduale für den Gründonnerstag und die Antiphon zum Benedictus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
1981 - Factus 8 - 1982 — Infobox Album | Name = 1981 Factus 8 1982 Type = ep Artist = New Order Released = November 1982 Recorded = 1981 1982 Genre = Post punk Alternative rock New Wave Length = 29:49 Label = Factory Records Producer = Martin Hannett New Order Reviews =… … Wikipedia
per vim factus — index forcible Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
PONS Cuppis factus — occurrit apud Iul. Capitolin. in Maximinis, c. 27. Ponte itaque cuppis factô maximinus fluvium transmisit et de proximo Aquileiam obsidere coepit. Ubi glossam in margine appositam habuit codex antiquus, id est, navibus. Sed falsus est: Cupae enim … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Quaeritur: Aegisthus quare sit factus adulter? — См. Праздность есть мать всех пороков … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
actio poenalis in haeredem non datur, nisi forte ex damno locupletior haeres factus sit — /aekshiyow piyneylas in hariydam non deytar naysay fortiy eks daemnow Ibwkapliyshar hiriyz faektas sit/ A penal action is not given against an heir, unless, indeed, such heir is benefited by the wrong … Black's law dictionary
actus me invito factus non est meus actus — /aektas miy anvaytow faektas non est miyas aektas/ An act done by me, against my will, is not my act … Black's law dictionary
animus et factus — /aenamas et faektas/ Intention and act; will and deed. Used to denote those acts which become effective only when accompanied by a particular intention … Black's law dictionary
haeres factus — /hiriyz faktas/ In the civil law, an heir made by will; a testamentary heir; the person created universal successor by will. Otherwise called haeres ex testamento, and haeres institutus … Black's law dictionary