- Bion
Biōn, ōnis m.Бион, родом из Борисфена (Скифия), философ киренской, впоследствии кинической школы (III в. до н. э.) C
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
BION (W. R.) — La figure de Bion, principal disciple de Melanie Klein, est celle d’un grand penseur du mouvement psychanalytique. Revenant à la source des premiers grands travaux de Sigmund Freud (1895, 1900, 1911), son principal mérite est d’avoir développé,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bion 10 — (Cosmos 2229), a C.I.S. spacecraft, was launched by a Soyuz U rocket from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome. It was part of the Bion program. It carried two monkeys and several insects, amphibians, plants, and cell cultures. Participating scientists were… … Wikipedia
Bion 4 — (Cosmos 936) was a Bion satellite. The mission involved nine countries, including the United States, in a series of biomedical research. The experiments were primarily followups to the Bion 3 (Cosmos 782) flight. The mission ended after 19.5 days … Wikipedia
Bion 1 — (Cosmos 605; Russian: Бион 1, Космос 605) was a Bion satellite. It carried several dozen rats, six boxes of tortoises, a mushroom bed, four beetles, and living bacterial spores. It provided data on the reaction of mammal, reptile, insect, fungal … Wikipedia
Bion 2 — was a Bion satellite launched by the Soviet Union on October 22, 1974 at 1800 hours UTC. It carried albino rats for biomedical research. Soviet, Czechoslovak, and Romanian scientists subjected the rats to daily radiation doses from a gamma source … Wikipedia
Bion 5 — (Cosmos 1129) was a Bion satellite. It was a biomedical research mission involving scientists from nine countries. Among the experiments was the first attempt to breed mammals in space, which proved unsuccessful. The mission ended after 18.5 days … Wikipedia
Bion 8 — (Cosmos 1887) was a Bion satellite. It carried scientific instruments for continuing research into the effects of spaceflight on monkeys and other biological objects, radiation safety, and physics. Research and experiments were also carried out,… … Wikipedia
Bion 9 — (Cosmos 2044) was a biomedical research mission involving nine countries and ESA. It was part of the Bion program. Eighty experiments were conducted in such categories as motion sickness, reproduction and regeneration, immunology, and readaption… … Wikipedia
Bion — steht für Bion von Abdera, antiker Mathematiker Bion von Borysthenes, antiker Philosoph Bion von Prokonessos, antiker Historiker Bion von Smyrna, hellenistischer Dichter Bion von Soloi, antiker Historiker Peter Bion (1684 1735), Textilunternehmer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bion 4 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bion 4 / Cosmos 936 Organización Unión Soviética Estado Retornado a la Tierra Fecha de lanzamiento 3 de agosto de 1977 … Wikipedia Español
Bion 1 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bion 1 / Cosmos 605 Organización Unión Soviética Estado Retornado a la Tierra Fecha de lanzamiento 31 de octubre de 1973 … Wikipedia Español