- excidium
- excidium excidium, i n падение, уничтожение
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Rawlinson Excidium Troie — The Rawlinson Excidium Troie ( The War of Troy ), discovered among the manuscripts collected by Richard Rawlinson (1690 1755) [MS Rawlinson D893.] conserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, is unique in that it contains the only medieval account… … Wikipedia
NASI — Herbr. Gap desc: Hebrew, proprie dictus est in hac gente Princeps seu Praeses Synedrii Magni seu Septuaginta unius viralis, alias et Caput consessus, a quo proxima dignitas erat Partis Synedrii, seu Principis secundi, quibus reliqui ordine suô… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Laokoon — Künstlerische Darstellung von Laokoon kurz vor seinem Tod (Detail der Laokoon Gruppe) Laokoon (altgriechisch Λᾱοκόων /Laːokóɔːn/) war in der griechischen und römischen Mythologie ein trojanischer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Interpretation des Laokoonmythos — → Hauptartikel: Laokoon Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den zahlreichen fachwissenschaftlichen Interpretationen des Laokoonmythos. Zur Person selbst, zur Entwicklung des Laokoonmythos und zu dessen Rezeption siehe den Artikel Laokoon.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Charles O'Kelly — Charles O’Kelly, Irish soldier and author, 1621 1695. O Kelly was born at Screen or Clonlyon, Aughrim, County Galway, son of John O’Kelly and Isma Hill, daughter of Sir William of Ballybeg, County Carlow. He was educated at St. Omer. He first saw … Wikipedia
Todeswunsch - Sous le soleil de Saturne — Infobox Album | Name = Todeswunsch Sous le soleil de Saturne Type = studio Artist = Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble of Shadows Released = 1995 Recorded = ?? Genre = Darkwave Length = 74:49 Label = Apocalyptic Vision Producer = ?? Reviews = Last album … Wikipedia
List of Temeraire characters — Temeraire is a series of novels by Naomi Novik, comprising His Majesty s Dragon (released as Temeraire in the United Kingdom), Throne of Jade , Black Powder War and Empire of Ivory . The novels are works of both fantasy and alternate history:… … Wikipedia
Todeswunsch - Sous le soleil de Saturne — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Todeswunsch Sous le soleil de Saturne Álbum de Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble of Shadows Publicación 1995 Género(s) … Wikipedia Español
Todeswunsch — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar … Wikipedia Español
excidio — (del lat. «excidĭum»; ant.) m. Destrucción. * * * excidio. (Del lat. excidĭum). m. desus. Destrucción, ruina, asolamiento … Enciclopedia Universal
JABNE — Hebr. Gap desc: Hebrew urbs olim Palaestinae celebris, memoratur, 2. Par. c. 26.v. 6. ubi Graeci codices nunc habent Ι᾿αβνὴρ, nunc Ι᾿αβνᾶ, nunc Ι᾿αβνὴ, et Vulgata Iabnia. In Maccabaicis passim, ut et Strabo l. 16. p. 659. Iosepho Halos. l. 2. c.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale