- exactus
- exactus exactus, a, um надлежащий
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
exactus — index exact Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
quinto exactus — In outlawry proceedings, the sheriff s return after the fifth proclamation, or summons. But if he does not appear, and is returned quinto exactus (required for the fifth time), he shall then be outlawed by the coroners of the county. See 3 Bl… … Ballentine's law dictionary
quinto exactus — /kwintow agzaektas/ In old English practice, called or exacted the fifth time. A return made by the sheriff, after a defendant had been proclaimed, required, or exacted in five county courts successively, and failed to appear, upon which he was… … Black's law dictionary
exact — exact, exacte [ ɛgza(kt), ɛgzakt ] adj. • XVIe; lat. exactus « poussé jusqu au bout, accompli », de exigere « achever » I ♦ 1 ♦ Vx ou littér. Qui est fait avec soin, en observant les règles prescrites, les normes. ⇒ minutieux, rigoureux,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Thomas Kimmwood Peters — Infobox Person name =Thomas Kimmwood Peters image size =100px caption = birth date = June 27, 1879 birth place = Norfolk, Virginia, USA known for = early motion picture development death date = 1973 death place = California, USA occupation =… … Wikipedia
exacte — ● exact, exacte adjectif (latin exactus, de exigere, achever) Qui est rigoureusement conforme à la réalité : Une exacte description des lieux. Qui, étant égal à la grandeur mesurée, exclut toute approximation : Votre addition n est pas exacte.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
exakt — tiefgehend; eingehend; präzise; genau; tief gehend; ins Einzelne gehend; tiefschürfend; umfassend; en détail; ganzheitlich; im Detail; … Universal-Lexikon
exact — EXÁCT, Ă, exacţi, te, adj., adv. I. adj. 1. Care este conform cu realitatea, care este în deplină concordanţă cu adevărul. ♢ Ştiinţe exacte = ştiinţe în care formulările se pot prezenta în formă matematică. ♦ Care reproduce întocmai un model,… … Dicționar Român
exacto — (Del lat. exactus, part. de exigere.) ► adjetivo 1 Que se mide, calcula o expresa con exactitud o precisión: ■ necesito un metro exacto de cable; dime la hora exacta. SINÓNIMO justo 2 Que es completamente igual a otro: ■ tus pensamientos son… … Enciclopedia Universal
exact — I. transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, to require as payment, from Latin exactus, past participle of exigere to drive out, demand, measure, from ex + agere to drive more at agent Date: 1564 1. to call for forcibly or urgently and obtain … New Collegiate Dictionary
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