
equidem equidem подлинно, право

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "equidem" в других словарях:

  • Groupe Equidem — [[Image:|Logo de Groupe Equidem sA]] Logo de Groupe Equidem Création 23 Avril 2001 Forme juridique société anonyme …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lorem ipsum — Ejemplo de Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum es el texto que se usa habitualmente en diseño gráfico en demostraciones de tipografías o de borradores de diseño para probar el diseño visual antes de insertar el texto final. El texto en sí no tiene sentido,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Conspiración de Catilina — Este artículo trata sobre la conspiración en si. Para la obra de Salustio Crispo, véase De Catilinae coniuratione. Un nombre destaco sobre los demás, Lucio Sergio Catilina a quien la aristocracia romana temía, a él y a sus planes económicos que… …   Wikipedia Español

  • que — Que, quelquesfois est nom, et ores interrogatif, comme, Que veut il? Quid vult? quid quaerit? Ores relatif, de tout genre, comme, Le livre que tu escrits, Liber quem scribis. La femme que tu as espousé, Vxor, quam duxisti. Et quelquesfois… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • sçavoir — I. Sçavoir, Aucuns sont d advis qu il faut escrire Savoir, et que de cet infinitif Sapere, en muant p en u, on a premierement fait Saver, et depuis Savoir, Scire, noscere. l Italien dit Sapere, et l Espagnol Saber, et esdites trois langues ores… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Our Lady of Guadalupe — This article is about the Mexican icon. For the Spanish icon, see Our Lady of Guadalupe, Extremadura. Our Lady of Guadalupe Location Tepeyac, Mexico City, Mexico Date …   Wikipedia

  • Epona — This article is about the goddess. For the character, see Epona (The Legend of Zelda). Epona, 3rd c. AD, from Freyming (Moselle), France (Musée Lorrain, Nancy) In Gallo Roman religion, Epona was a protector of horses, donkeys, and mules. She was… …   Wikipedia

  • History of philosophy in Poland — The history of philosophy in Poland parallels the evolution of philosophy in Europe generally. Polish philosophy drew upon the broader currents of European philosophy, and in turn contributed to their growth. Among the most momentous Polish… …   Wikipedia

  • Chevetogne Abbey — Chevetogne Abbey, also known as the Monastery of the Holy Cross, is a Roman Catholic Benedictine monastery dedicated to Christian unity located in the Belgian village of Chevetogne in the municipality of Ciney, province of Namur, halfway between… …   Wikipedia

  • Giulio Camillo — (c. 1480 – 1544) was an Italian philosopher. He is best known for his ‘theatre’, described in his posthumously published work ‘ L’Idea del Theatro ’. BiographyGiulio Camillo was born around 1480 in Friuli, in the north east of Italy. His… …   Wikipedia

  • Плеоназм — (греч. πλεονασμός, от πλεονάξω излишествую) термин стилистики, означающий употребление в предложении излишних слов, ничего не прибавляющих к тому, что в нем уже выражено: по определению Квинтилиана, abundans super necessitatem oratio ; напр.: Но… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

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