- equa
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Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
equa — equa·nim·i·ty; equa·tion; equa·tion·al; equa·tor; equa·to·ri·al·ly; equa·to·ri·al; equa·tor·ward; equa·tion·al·ly; equa·tor·wards; … English syllables
Equa — is a UK based world fusion music project, founded by the multi media artist and record producer Sadia Sadia and composer sound designer Stephen W Tayler.First released by Polygram (Australia) in 1996, and based on an original idea by Sadia Sadia … Wikipedia
EQUA Aenea — Olympiae dedicata e Phormide Arcade, cui magicâ vi hippomanes inerat, quo equi incitabantur ad rabiem, memoratur Pausan. in Arcadicis, et Plin. l. 28. c. 11. Inscriptio fuit, Φόρμις ἀνέθηκεν Α᾿ρκὰς Μαινάλιος, νῦν δὲ Συραμούσιος. Vide Salmas. ad… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
equa·to·ri·al — /ˌiːkwəˈtorijəl, ˌɛkwəˈtorijəl/ adj : of or relating to the equator : located at or near the equator equatorial regions/countries equatorial Africa the equatorial climate … Useful english dictionary
equa·ble — … Useful english dictionary
equa·nim·i·ty — /ˌiːkwəˈnıməti, ˌɛkwəˈnıməti/ noun [noncount] formal : calm emotions when dealing with problems or pressure She accepted her misfortunes with equanimity. [=she did not become upset; she remained calm] … Useful english dictionary
equa·tion — /ıˈkweıʒən/ noun, pl tions 1 [count] mathematics : a statement that two expressions are equal (such as 8 + 3 = 11 or 2x ɒ 3 = 7) solve an equation 2 [count] : a complicated situation or issue usually singular Helping a troubled teenager is more… … Useful english dictionary
equa·tor — /ıˈkweıtɚ/ noun the equator : an imaginary circle around the middle of the Earth that is the same distance from the North Pole and the South Pole The city of Quito, Ecuador, lies very close to the equator. Is it near the equator? … Useful english dictionary
equatorial — equa·to·ri·al … English syllables
equatorially — equa·to·ri·al·ly … English syllables
Equalizer — Equa|li|zer 〈[ i:kwəlaızə(r)] m. 3〉 Gerät zur Entzerrung od. Veränderung des Klangbildes an Verstärkern o. Ä. [engl.; zu equalize „ausgleichen“] * * * Equa|li|zer [ i:kwəlaɪzɐ ], der; s, [engl. equalizer, eigtl. = Ausgleich(er), zu lat. aequus =… … Universal-Lexikon