- elephantus
- elephantus elephantus, i m слон
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
ELEPHANTUS — Ordo Eq. Daniae, a Christerno I. institurus, A. C. 1474 in nuptiis fil. Ioh. Cuiusinsigne Elephas, de torque pendulus. Solo inaugurationis die conferri solet. Crantz. et Ioh. Magnus, hist. Favin. theatr. hon. et Equ … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Elephantus — The Elephantus is a type of Zoid, a race of mechanical lifeforms from the fictional Zoids universe.Zoids Zoid name = Elephantus ImageName = Caption = An Elephantus figure. Model number = RMZ 03 Faction = Helic Republic Zoid type = Elephant Crew … Wikipedia
СЛОН — • Elephantus, Животное это имеет двоякое значение в древней истории: для искусства и для военного дела. a) Для искусства: Давно уже, прежде чем узнали самых слонов, слоновая кость (ελέφας, ebur) употреблялась наряду … Реальный словарь классических древностей
éléphant — [ elefɑ̃ ] n. m. • elefant XII e; surtout olifant jusqu au XVe; lat. elephantus 1 ♦ Grand mammifère ongulé (proboscidiens), herbivore vivant par bandes dans les forêts humides et chaudes ou dans la savane, remarquable par sa masse pesante, sa… … Encyclopédie Universelle
elefant — ELEFÁNT, elefanţi, s.m. Numele a două animale mamifere din ordinul proboscidienilor, cele mai mari animale terestre de azi, cu pielea groasă şi aspră, cu nasul modificat într o trompă mobilă şi cu colţi foarte lungi de fildeş (Elephas maximus şi… … Dicționar Român
Garantula — The Garantula (also romanised as Gargantula) is a type of Zoid, a race of mechanical lifeforms from the fictional Zoids universe.Zoids Zoid name = Garantula ImageName = Caption = Garantula, a spider type Zoid. Model number = RMZ 04 Faction =… … Wikipedia
Elefant — Dickhäuter (umgangssprachlich); Rüsseltier (umgangssprachlich); Elephant * * * Ele|fant [ele fant], der; en, en: großes, massiges (Säuge)tier von grauer Hautfarbe mit sehr großen Ohren, einem Rüssel und Stoßzähnen: der Elefant trompetet. * * *… … Universal-Lexikon
Olifant — Oli|fạnt 〈m. 1〉 mittelalterl. Jagd u. Trinkhorn aus Elfenbein [afrz., „Elefant“] * * * Oli|fant [auch: oli fant ], der; [e]s, e [(a)frz. olifant < lat. elephantus, ↑ Elefant; Name des elfenbeinernen Hifthorns Rolands in der Karlssage]: aus… … Universal-Lexikon
Garius — The Garius is a type of Zoid, a race of mechanical lifeforms from the fictional Zoids universe.Zoids Zoid name = Garius ImageName = Caption = A Garius model. Model number = RMZ 01 Faction = Helic Republic Zoid type = Tyrannosaurus Crew = 1 Weight … Wikipedia
Glidoler — The Glidoler is a type of Zoid, a race of mechanical lifeforms from the fictional Zoids universe.Zoids Zoid name = Glidoler ImageName = Caption = Mechabonia Glidoler Model number = RMZ 02 Faction = Helic Republic Zoid type = Duck Crew = 1 Weight … Wikipedia
Aquadon — The Aquadon is a type of Zoid, a race of mechanical lifeforms from the fictional Zoids universe.Zoids Zoid name = Aquadon ImageName = Caption = An Aquadon figure. Model number = RMZ 05 Faction = Helic Republic Zoid type = Frog Crew = 1 Weight = 5 … Wikipedia