- bigamus
bi-gamus, a, um (греч. gameo)дважды женатый Eccl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
bigamus seu trigamus, etc., est qui diversis temporibus et successive duas seu tres uxores habuit — /bigamas syuw trigamas est kway davarsas temporabas et saksesayviy d(y)uwas syuw trez akscriyz haeb(y)uwat/ A bigamus or trigamus, etc., is one who at different times and successively has married two or three wives … Black's law dictionary
bigamus seu trigamus, etc., est qui diversis temporibus et successive duas seu tres uxores habuit — /bigamas syuw trigamas est kway davarsas temporabas et saksesayviy d(y)uwas syuw trez akscriyz haeb(y)uwat/ A bigamus or trigamus, etc., is one who at different times and successively has married two or three wives … Black's law dictionary
bigamus — /bigamas/ In the civil law, a man who was twice married; one who at different times and successively has married two wives. One who has two wives living. One who marries a widow. Used in ecclesiastical matters as a reason for denying benefit of… … Black's law dictionary
bigamus — /bigamas/ In the civil law, a man who was twice married; one who at different times and successively has married two wives. One who has two wives living. One who marries a widow. Used in ecclesiastical matters as a reason for denying benefit of… … Black's law dictionary
bigamus — A bigamist … Ballentine's law dictionary
bigamus — … Useful english dictionary
bigame — [ bigam ] adj. et n. • 1270; lat. chrét. bigamus, calque du gr. digamos; cf. game ♦ Qui est marié à deux personnes en même temps. Il est bigame. Une bigame. ⇒ polygame; polyandre. ⊗ CONTR. Monogame. ● bigame adjectif et nom (latin ecclésiastique… … Encyclopédie Universelle
bigam — BIGÁM, Ă, bigami, e, adj., s.m. şi f. (Persoană care are două soţii, respectiv doi soţi; (persoană) culpabilă de a fi contractat două căsătorii paralele. – Din fr. bigame, lat. bigamus. Trimis de paula, 21.06.2002. Sursa: DEX 98 bigám adj. m.,… … Dicționar Român
bígamo — (Del lat. bigamus < bis, dos + gr. gamos, casamiento.) ► adjetivo/ sustantivo 1 Que está casado con dos personas a la vez. 2 Que está casado por segunda vez. * * * bígamo, a (del b. lat. «bigӑmus») adj. y n. Se aplica al que está casado a la… … Enciclopedia Universal
Bigamie — Doppelehe * * * Bi|ga|mie 〈f. 19; unz.〉 (strafbare) Ehe mit zwei Ehepartnern zugleich; Sy Doppelehe [<lat. bis „doppelt“ + grch. gamos „Ehe“] * * * Bi|ga|mie, die; , n [mlat. bigamia, zu kirchenlat. bigamus = zweifach verheiratet, zu lat. bi … Universal-Lexikon
Bigam — Big am, n. [L. bigamus twice married: cf. F. bigame. See {Bigamy.}] A bigamist. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English