- effectus
- effectus effectus, us m влияние
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
effectus — index effect, realization Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Effectus punitur licet non sequatur effectus — The act may be punished that the consequence may not follow. Effectus sequitur causam. The effect follows the cause … Ballentine's law dictionary
effectus — (лат.) действие … Словарь ботанических терминов
effectus sequitur causam — /afektas siykwatar kozam/ The effect follows the cause … Black's law dictionary
effectus sequitur causam — /afektas siykwatar kozam/ The effect follows the cause … Black's law dictionary
Cessante causa cessat effectus — Cessante causa cessat effectus, lat. Sprichwort: Beim Aufhören (Wegfall) der Ursache hört auch die Wirkung auf … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Durante causa durat effectus — (lat.), solange die Ursache dauert, dauert die Wirkung … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Cessante causa cessat effectus — Cessante causa cessat effectus, lat., mit der Ursache hört die Wirkung auf … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
affectus punitur licet non sequatur effectus — /afektas pyuwnaytar laysat non sakweytar afektas/ The intention is punished although the intended result does not follow … Black's law dictionary
cessante causa, cessat effectus — /sasintiy koza, sesat afektss/ The cause ceasing, the effect ceases … Black's law dictionary
conditio prascedens adimpleri debet prius quam sequatur effectus — /kandish(iy)ow prasiydenz aedimpliray debat prayas kwaem sakweytar afektas/ A condition precedent must be fulfilled before the effect can follow … Black's law dictionary