Coleophora biforis — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta … Wikipedia
uterus biforis — a uterus in which the external os is divided by a septum … Medical dictionary
Uterus — The uterus (womb) is a hollow, pear shaped organ located in a woman s lower abdomen between the bladder and the rectum. The narrow, lower portion of the uterus is the cervix; the broader, upper part is the corpus. The corpus is made up of two… … Medical dictionary
bifore — ⇒BIFORE, adj. et subst. A. Adj., néol. Qui a deux baies : • Les six étages sont percés de fenêtres toujours plus larges et plus hautes. En bas, une seule et longue fente; au second, la fenêtre est bifore; trifore au troisième; à quatre, cinq et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Biforium — [zu lateinisch biforis »zweiflügelig«] das, s/...ri|en, Baukunst: im Mittelalter ein durch eine Säule geteiltes Fenster mit bogenförmigem Abschluss. * * * Bi|fo|ri|um, das; s, ...ien [zu lat. biforis = zweitürig, flügelig, zu: bi = zwei u.… … Universal-Lexikon
BIFORA — apud Vittuvium l. 4. c. 6. de Foribus, Ipsaque forum ornamenta non funt cestrota, neque bifora, sed valvata: Graece sunt Δίθυρα vel συνδρομάδες θύραι; fores videl. ad imum divisae, in quibus duae θύραι, in suis quaeque catdinibus vertunt in medio … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Biforine — Bif o*rine, n. [L. biforis, biforus, having two doors; bis twice + foris door.] (Bot.) An oval sac or cell, found in the leaves of certain plants of the order {Arace[ae]}. It has an opening at each end through which raphides, generated inside,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Biforous — Bif o*rous, a. [L. biforis having two doors; bis twice, two + foris door.] See {Biforate}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Luzula — Taxobox name = Luzula image width = 250px image caption = Great Wood rush ( Luzula sylvatica ) regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Liliopsida ordo = Poales familia = Juncaceae genus = Luzula genus authority = DC. subdivision ranks … Wikipedia
Coleophora — Coleophora … Wikipedia Español
Diaula — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Diaula es el nombre que daban los antiguos griegos y romanos a la flauta doble (tibia biforis), en contraposición a la flauta sencilla llamada monaula. La palabra tiene su origen en el griego dis (dos) y aulos… … Wikipedia Español