- denominatio
- denominatio denominatio, onis f наименование, название
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Denominatio communis internationalis — [lateinisch »allgemeine internationale Benennung«] die, , Abkürzung DCI, Pharmazie: von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation herausgegebene Liste der Freinamen (Generic Names) pharmazeutischer Verbindungen … Universal-Lexikon
denominatio — (s.f.) metonimia … Dizionario di retorica par stefano arduini & matteo damiani
denominatio — A denomination. See denomination … Ballentine's law dictionary
denominatio fieri debet a dignioribus — /danomaneysh(iy)ow fayaray debat ey digniyorabas/ Denomination should be made from the more worthy … Black's law dictionary
denominatio fieri debet a dignioribus — /danomaneysh(iy)ow fayaray debat ey digniyorabas/ Denomination should be made from the more worthy … Black's law dictionary
Denominatio est a digniore — Denomination is from the more worthy … Ballentine's law dictionary
Denominatio fieri debet a dignioribus — Denomination should be made from the more worthy … Ballentine's law dictionary
a potiori fit denominatio — a potiori fit denominatio, nach der Hauptsache richtet sich die Benennung; der ursprüngliche Sprachgeist hat aber diese Regel nicht befolgt, sondern nach dem sinnlich anschaulichsten Merkmale benannt, z.B. Kuckuck (vom Geschrei), Schlange (von… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
a digniori fieri debet denominatio — /ey digniyoray fayaray debat danomaneysh(iy)ow/ Denomination ought to be from the more worthy. The description (of a place) should be taken from the more worthy subject (as from a will) … Black's law dictionary
a digniori fieri debet denominatio et resolutio — /ey digniyoray fayaray debat danomaneysh(iy)ow et rezalfy uwsh(iy)ow/ The title and exposition of a thing ought to be derived from, or given, or made with reference to, the more worthy degree, quality, or species of it … Black's law dictionary
a digniori fieri debet denominatio — /ey digniyoray fayaray debat danomaneysh(iy)ow/ Denomination ought to be from the more worthy. The description (of a place) should be taken from the more worthy subject (as from a will) … Black's law dictionary